I believe in the trade these things are technically called “those stupid f’ng wavy arm things that everyone hates.”
I believe in the trade these things are technically called “those stupid f’ng wavy arm things that everyone hates.”
Nawww...we’re just different.
Lists are entertaining, but are rarely, if ever, right.
Dude those things are on the “Protected inflatables List” (PIL) in California. They’re not even legal here!
Well. yeah but now you’re getting into some very advanced marketing concepts. Don’t even get me started on the big red ribbon on the roof at Christmas time.
Man...if a red balloon with the word sale on it doesn’t work.....I’d give up! I mean talk about bringing in the crowds right?
You’re right. I had a 5000 Turbo Quattro that I loved but those damn starring fluid leaks and failed racks caused me to dump it. It was a great car in Chicago winters. It also had the best TV commercial ever where they show a bunch of cars crawling along in a monsoon and then...in the left lane a Quattro ROARS by at…
For a few minutes yeah.....then guess what happens....
I actually have three of them on my walls. They were beautiful. I cN’t remember much about the artists but there are web stories about them. If you like car photography, there is a book titled Boulevard Photographic that might be of interest.
Give me death then if those be the choices.....I am a man....not a cab driver...
This is the kind of car I would have put together when I was in my twenties so that made me smile a bit. But then reading the linked threads, like a few of my builds, I think the building and refining part was more fun than the result. I don’t know. It’s total chump change but I wouldn’t want to have it laying around…
Guilty. I actually meant “...70s be’s iconical.”
I know. It seems to be a very polarizing car though. People love them or hate them. I love driving it actually.
The guy used to have 3 martini lunches, probably travelled on planes back when it was a big deal, banged his young secretary and retired with a big pension. I like those cars. Today no way. Back then, that was style!
I bet there were dozens of people out of the millions who bought these and tolerated them! Success! Honestly...regardless of our opinion of the car, that son of a bitch helped save Chrysler.
I’m pretty sure this is the artwork with the copy removed. I have a book on VW ads and these pics are in there but with copy.
It’s OK. Really....I’m fine...<sobbing>
OK so it’s not the most Avante Garde Citroen, but I still think it’s cool.
Would that really be better? Really?