
Like this hasn’t happened to everyone!

Because 60% or so of car commercials show cars power sliding and hauling ass in the mountains or some such bull. In SoCal everybody thinks their Audi, BMW or heaven help us, Range Rover is somespecial race varint that’s invincible. I don’t believe anything I just daid, but I think it’s so. Wait.....whuuuuu.....Forget

Sign painters union I guess. Those pictures are meaningless though. Different contrast, exposure and chromaticity biased to make your point, which actually, is he same way the government works. Our whole government is photoshopped.

Cool! Arsenal plane! I like the sound of that! Should be flying around 2950 the way things are built for the military these days. Then a lot of online chatter can tell us how much it sucks! Situation NORMAL!

Rust in peace Scion. The answer to a question never asked.......Scion.

Bernie Sanders needs to talk to you now that you’re a capitalist pig.

See....that’s not funny. It just isn’t. Talk about a desperate plea for recognition.

Maybe Tesla can assume some Ex-Fisker shop leases. Ready to go!

Now THAT’S a car! Socially irresponsible, environmentally hostile, class envy creating (now days anyway) and WONDERFUL!

It seems the commentators on the TV airing of F1 liked him. I never could figure out why. I don’t care if he wasn’t a nice guy, but if you’re not a nice guy AND can’t drive, get lost. Off to NASCAR maybe...or run for President of US.

He’s still building ugly cars I see. Nice original design. No...really.

Texting....definitely was texting.

Lane splitting is fine. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t. If you live somewhere where it isn’t or can’t be used, butt out. Stop watching Youtube videos of lane splitting accidents. Besides.....shut up. Sorry...I take that back. Not really.

Gary Busey is absolute PROOF that helmets are NOT necessary! Actually......wait.....never mind.

I had a ‘94 and a 2000 SL and they were at or near the best driving cars I’ve ever owned. I have owned a LOT of cars. They were constantly in need of repair though. Even with warranties, broken cars wear on yunafter time. Still, they were magnificent whether sitting in traffic or mid triple digit speeds.

It’s a shame there are only 2000 to 9000000 concept cars shown per day. Actually there are about 3. They just appear with different names. It’s actually quite boring.

I remember the guy in Hawaii Five-0 used to reach out the window and put that blue (?) light on the roof! The best was on Dragnet when Friday and Gannon were racing through L.A. to arrest a guy for selling a joint Ganon would wave a handheld red light back and forth through the windshield. I’m sure it was an accurate

Secret cop cars on traffic duty should be illegal. They keep saying the goal is safety but the goal is often just to catch you doing something wrong. The whole concept is stupid. What if you’re riding for several. hours obeying every rule in the book. Then for 1 minute, you go too fast or weave a bit or a hundred

This design was poached fom that Nissan thing they had a while back.

Actually he was fired because he wouldn’t wear $500 french jeans and a black turtlekneck or t-shirt. Think Different and conform or get out.