
What about the having three people jump and run around on the top of the Harrier in hover mode?

I get the pro tech side of the issue. However, I do think that the tremendous amount of redundancy in each and every system requires firewalls between each system. In time it will segway to LCD systems for most non critical places. But the bus/circuit system makes me feel much safer than pure digital. At the end

I think it says more to the standard America is held vs China and Russia governments. Which is that they are totally evil.

I think the Russian and Chinese goverment's contribution to the war is far more effective at the UN level where they have blocked many attempts at isolating Syria's government.

I love me my Mexican brothers but can't we trade Mexico for Australia, keep Canada and have Mexico just take over South America? Then we have bars full of crazy Aussies, Canucks, and great football (soccer). Oh and I guess the continent of Australia could be like one big race track/Dakar style skydiving, surfing

My vote for 80-89 EDIT Sorry I know others mentioned below but this has pretty picture.

How about we pull a billion from defense and spend it on both? Like let's be domestic a little?

Hey, I will be honest. I LOVE that Romney had the balls to bet on this and will subsequently lose Michigan and cause the GOP to generally go into meltdown. No downside here.

My hometown and this seller's address evidently

I have seen with my own eyes a mcdonalds cheeseburger sit in the sun for a week and NOTHING is remotely growing on it. It changed my life to never eat that shit again.

That's what I was thinking. I know there is plenty of rich kid car action on most campuses, even community colleges. It's hard to follow that site when there is no way to know they are students. Maybe just a rich kid site?

The last episodes are from the new showrunner. Darabont was never a good TV showrunner, he is a movie guy. I am very happy that the change is becoming apparent.

I think Robin Williams has one.

This would be a very long conversation with girl before bringing home.

I must know who this person is.

That is racist against the Lakers.

The backlash to Jeremy Lin is totally overshadowed by the backlash to the racism towards Jeremy Lin.

Jesus Christ, I went to i09 for the first time where the title claims a videogame called mass effect is the best science fiction story ever and now I am looking at buying a 50 dollar whip cream maker (to put in a kitchen in NYC) to make a drink.

I agree but the stuff we have out there in the gyre scares the shit out of me. I was hoping there was a reality that plastics could turn into magic fish food with sparkles after we throw it out.

really, kill them.