
See and my "pros" and "cons" for moving to Utah were 50 50. Now this is it, not moving to Utah.

@Vatsal Garach: I know this is a tough one. I DVR it and watch it when I wake up because I know going online will inevitably reveal the winners if not in the headlines in the comments. It is impossible to keep the truth down.

@lilwillie: NOt@cchannel would love him some X6 M: Not at all, remember the 2009 cars are completely new. Brawn knew the 2008 cars were superior so he spent most of the engineers time and money were spent last year developing the new regulation car.

I only caught a portion of the 2008 season for the 1st time.

Hats off to ya M, you can drink all day and still post very coherent sentences!

All joking aside I would pay for premium content. I know Nick is totally following a plan to keep things this way, but Jalopnik and Gizmodo have the wealth of info and could expand the special features with the income.

All joking aside I would pay for premium content. I know Nick is totally following a plan to keep things this way, but Jalopnik and Gizmodo have the wealth of info and could expand the special features with the income.

@milo_carrera—fighting the good fight: Right now all I can say about Wall Street is let's go after them next. Let's go into every b school out there and get the kids of the generation who has to fix all of this that business has ethics.

@DoctorNine: This post is full of win. and that was before I even read it.

@elwood: I just thought he was rapping out loud.

@JackMaz got wagon fever: You realize that "bean counters" have NOTHING to do with this right? Management makes decisions. Finance tells them this will cost this much, that will cost that much.

@bygeorge: Technically nothing is private in that if you don't pay taxes for it you will lose it. I think that is lost on many people so you have that whole conditional private property thing.

Not only do I love this, I will DONATE to sponsor a team I want to see this soooo bad.