He’s neither, imo.
He’s neither, imo.
Loving the love for “The Long Kiss Goodnight.”
It didn’t happen this year, although the manic fluctuations of the stock market and the December decline in stock prices and the fizzling out of the ill-advised Republican tax cut stimulus and the still-looming trade war and the large percentage of long-term unemployed lurking in the low unemployment figure, along…
Maybe English isn’t her first language. Or she’s pretending it isn’t. Then again, in a roundabout way, “resurrect” aka “bring back to life” can be considered as “making them look alive again.”
You’re responsible for the ass you save.
Agreed. It sounded like the writer was trying too hard to scare us. Like musical cues in a horror movie.
State-sponsored, no less.
For Donny, it was never about power.
Guess Disney is sticking to its guns.
Millie Bobbie will do the singing this time.
WHo cares about Hannity?!?
Oh god.
Fact still remains that Disney produced and released it.
That’ll do, tovarisch. That’ll do.
Just killing the competition.