
Except one of dem niggers was a spic, you cracker sumbitch.

Well, that's an explosive...charge.

Loud sound + big fire = instinct.

It most certainly was.

Now playing

I raise a glass to your Dumbo and see pink elephants on parade.

So, so cuddly!

Same here on the "OMG she's still alive?" thing.

Haha! Thanks!


I-is that a young Christoph Waltz? Again?

Now playing

I still love Robot Chicken's take on that scene:

If I remember correctly, in the Grimm books, the fairy/witch upon which Maleficent was based was a very ancient, very powerful one. One that even the "good" fairies feared, for she was far more powerful than they.

Same here!

Now playing

IIIIIIIITTTT'S POD-PEOPLE!!!!! (swings plunger)

Maybe it has a Portal gun inside the box?

That Hulkess doesn't have a bra on. was determined that video games would be a good way to sell this lingerie line.

I do freelance work as a writer and producer, and I do resent being shackled to my smartphone. I have to admit being panicky whenever I leave it (even if it's only in another room), and get clammy cold sweats whenever I think I've lost it.