
To maintain a veneer of civility.


But, but he's such a dreamboat!

Lord knows what malice Bay has planned. I did say it's about time we forgave Joel Schumacher and bestowed the "History's Greatest Monster" title on Michael Bay.

Given the way they parted professionally last time, who's to say Bay isn't casting her as Splinter?



Musicals? Pretentious?

Bieber may reign, but he has to rein it in.

I'm sure he's sorry.

Interspecies sex ftw.


It skeeves me out that Patrick Wilson played the pedophile targeting a nubile Justin Bieber in Hard Candy.

Well, booyah!

"God, how was anyone supposed to fear Adam West's version of the Dark Knight?"

Understatement is what befits a true royal - you base commoner.

"Can we all agree that Anne Hathaway is the Taylor Swift of acting?"

Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender female commenter? Am I reaching for the stars here? No.