I suppose it's a "natural" way to do it. Heheh.
History can be a matter of perspective, after all.
I saw it in IMAX 3D and regret nothing.
Trailers with Director's Commentary.
Too bad Stoltz was dropped from his original Fly role - that of Marty McFly.
That was some mad riding, fershure.
I sincerely wish you luck with weaning yourself off nicotine for good, Chris.
Looks like The Fly got Meredith mid-headline.
Can't current CG tech achieve that?
Indeed. They simply Musk.
Now the thought of T'Challa being fitted into an Avengers cannon makes me feel all sorts of giggly.
Hmmm... maybe he was part of an elite resistance, composed of noblemen and/or samurai, and his rank or duty was as a guard.
What they think was a baby was really an oni. Sensing impending defeat from the warrior, it used its evil powers to make the volcano bury them both in ash.
We're not worthy.
She wasn't in Ripley mode.