Rude Negro

Unions are like condoms; if someone is trying to say you don’t need one, you definitely need one.

I’m Indian and I’ve noticed this for years; however, the Betaal series on Netflix did something I’ve never seen. I think some of the Indian actors that can speak English did their own dub tracks. It was pretty amazing. So you had Indian accented English translations instead of the typical English accent. I found it

That thread’s list of receipts is longer than a week’s worth of sales at a CVS.

The funniest joke in The Closer was when he got genuinely emotional about Kevin Hart not getting to host the Oscars because people.. are mean?!

I mean, sure, Chappelle is doubling down on some very problematic stances here, but...really? We’re doing the “I never thought he was funny, unlike you plebes” thing?

When Ronnie Chiang or Jo Koy makes an deprecating joke about us Asians, it’s funny because we know that shit, and they know that shit, they lived that shit same as us. More than many of us, honestly. (Sure as hell more than me.)

he didn’t even make any jokes. he just went full transphobic.

2003 Dave would probably strangle himself to prevent 2021 Dave’s existence if he knew he’d become the sorta asshole who panders to the people who made him quit Chappelle’s Show in the first place.

The fact that Jeffrey Epstein was super into evolutionary psychology should tell you everything you need to know. 

This honestly sounds like the fever dream of the MRA world, and I’d be curious to know what percentage of the activity actually IS those guys LARP-ing as the kind of evil shrew bitch they imagine they’re “up against”.

“When a man has found his dream girl, he will ditch his old ways and become the man that she expects to have,” says one post.

...the locomotive first served on the Reading Railroad out of Pennsylvania before getting shipped off to Arizona.

Someone said it well last week: “Jezebel isn’t even trying anymore.”

Seems that final line is calling Grimes a prostitute, and not in a “sex work is work” kind of way. I’m trying to think in what way that sentiment would be out of place on an MRA forum, and am coming up empty.

I had a license plate stolen not too long ago. Reported it to the DMV. DMV gave me new ones. Fast forward 18 months, and I start getting tickets in the mail for having an expired plate - the one that was stolen. It had been stuck on the back of a car that had been driving around for 18 months without incident. It took

Oof. That is like a world's fair exhibit of the future from the 60s.

Why? That looks a high schoolers rendering after a few weeks using blender

Speaking of technoparadise...a local 7-11 was just remodeled and now has a touchscreen beverage machine that is a technological marvel. If the Starship Enterprise had a soda fountain it would probably resemble this one, I don't know if I'm dispensing a Cherry Coke or laying in the course and speed for Starbase 12 

We’re waiting, nothing is happening Jack.”

Missed article title opportunity: “He’s not here, he’s not there, he’s not any-fucking-where. Is Roy Kent CGI?”