Clark Hunt wouldn’t have the balls to say something like this. Not a god damn chance it’s him.
Clark Hunt wouldn’t have the balls to say something like this. Not a god damn chance it’s him.
I FUCKING KNEW IT WAS HIM! When you guys fired up the MS paint earlier I felt everyone was staring at the alleged culprit. God damnit, I wish I had called that one. Fuck.
How did this story Leak? Get it? Leak! Amirite!?
Sorry to hear that, Hulkanotor.
What did I say that was racist? It’s a scientific FACT that the Raiders fan base is made up of the the lowest level of scum each race has to offer. They’re very inclusive of all rancid beasts.
Why, thank you, Business Dog. You get it.
No, you wouldn’t.
Raiders and Dodgers fans are rancid garbage. Everybody knows why but people’s cunts get sore talking about it. Kill them all.
Raiders fans are notoriously trashy. The fan base is comprised of skinheads and illegal aliens. A few years back at Arrowhead, a few of those mongrels beat the hell out of some woman and not one bitch made Chiefs fan did a goddamn thing. I want all Raiders fans shot dead on sight. Fucking good for nothing freaks.
If you’re not cheating you’re not trying. Who doesn’t want to be stronger, better at their job and make more money?
How is he a douche? Because he took supplements to be better at his job or was it because he was a butt to the media?
You get what you negotiate. Therefore, Wade fucked himself.
Let me start by saying I agree with your point. HOWEVER, I do take issue with your argument that if someone just simply says something, it must be true. People lie. Sometimes people put makeup on their real feelings and he could have just started off his statement with the cliche “I support the troops” line just to…
I’m fair but I’m FIRM, god damnit.
If it’s true that he’s simply going to rehab for weed, he’s a pussy and I want him shot dead.
Kap is just spewing nonsense at this point. I take no issues with his prior stances (no pun intended) but to say Hilary is evil is simply ignorance run amok. Is it over a couple of dead folks no one knew or gave a shit about in Benghazi? People in this country are so extreme with their opinions and to call her evil is…
I don’t necessarily agree with that. Perhaps in some cases but any sensible business owner sees people as money. I mean, they still might not like you but most business owners are nice just so you spend money.
That’s my point. Most blacks are kind of fucked either way.
What you’re missing is that the people in charge of hiring police and just about everything else doesn’t care about what blacks want. They do not value you. We won’t get better police because that would require better humans and that’s long term evolution that could take thousands of years.