Morgana WomenAreMagic

I rarely shave my armpits, from laziness, but I want to go shave my armpits right now.

Is it weird that almost every time I stand up anywhere, I throw my arms up and arch my back like a gymnast on a dismount and whisper, say, or yell (depending who’s in the room)“PERFECT 10!”? Getting off the couch, desk chair, a bar stool, out of the car, I guess with the exception of the toilet (that would be really

I get bothered by this, too. However, I think it’s a worthy concept to meditate on. There is some connotation with ‘victim’ that means I have no power here. I think, when people (lovingly vs. reactively) say, “Don’t be a victim...” they’re trying to remind someone that they have not lost all their power.

Back in the day, she very sexy and make me tingle.

No thank you, we definitely don’t want them, and plenty of French women have been fighting this bullshit for a while now. I give you: Ni putes ni soumises

It’s because #MeToo forces them to consider that they had little agency in their younger lives. To survive in that kind of misogynistic environment they had to pretend they wanted all that harassment to some degree and it’s very disorienting to have to look back on it with new eyes.

Down with fallible human doctors! More robot surgeons!

Wish McQueen was around today. I’d love to know his reaction and response to the state of modeling, fashion and politics right now. :(

New York Fashion Week while a spectacle is considered a lot more business minded compared to other cities. So it’s kind of a shame to lose all of that it’s not surprising. Especially considering instacelebrity stuff and what not nowadays. This goes back to McQueen doing a giant spectacle of a show that was quite

She’s finally talking but not really saying much of anything!

Just leave kid alone.

Paying out of state tuition to Alabama is Not Smart.

Baby number three who?

baby Butt

I think “True” is a good option...

This is basically why I like him right where he is, rather than trying to get him impeached. If he got thrown out on his ass, that would mean Pence is President and that guy would actually be quite adept at fucking us over.

Yes, exactly my thoughts too. I think that every day he plays cheats at golf, he is doing a great public service by staying the hell away from governing.

How appropriate. Nothing but horseshit comes out of that mouth anyway.

Pictured: A horse’s ass. Also, a painting of a horse

I mean, if you have an entire political movement based on the idea that men need to stop talking and instead listen to women, stop taking the spotlight from women, and so on, this is the logical conclusion most are going to come to. How many times have would-be allies been told to “stay in your lane”? It’s hard to