Morgana WomenAreMagic

Yeah, I have no problem believing that Justin Timberlake lives in such a bubble that he would never have heard the phrase.

Noooo Baggie don’t do it - there was an argument a while back about bodega’s not being called bodega’s here in Chicago and it caused a fucking shit storm!!

if i learned anything from the premise of “undercover boss” is that many “bosses” in charge of operations don’t know a damn thing about those operations. some of them appear entirely inept. you can bet that those making decisions are so far removed from the movie-making process and the true market that they only

Why? Are you forgetting how many women voted for the Pussy Grabber in Chief?

Good point - still only gave me one woman :(

not just southsiders.

Ugh, don’t tell me Wintour is behind this change too, her replacement of Wells at Allure has just led to it looking more and more slapped together while having less advertisers to take the sting out of that. If publishers want to go digital why don’t they just go digital? No need to make us sick of the print editions


If you call it Chi-town, you’re definitely from the suburbs.

This is just scandalous behavior and I wonder if employees of companies that get run into the ground by incompetent management should be able to pursue class-action suits against management and the boards lining their pockets for one quarter after another without reversinh direction.

I mean I am a white person and I am like WTF.

Uh you sure you want white people moving in and taking over everything!?!

Umm... did these asshole execs ever ASK us if we watched horror movies?

What a weird culture. People’s brains are just wigging me out today. Who says “black women don’t watch horror movies” just because you don’t know of any (which also doesn’t make sense because Traccy is black, and she wants to make one)? How do you know? Have you met every black woman on the planet? Have you taken a

I will stop reading that as “The Chee” (as in Tai Chi) approximately never.

I really think the time constraint and especially that these scandals started breaking so close to the holidays when designers and stylists are already swamped with work prevented everyone from getting together and brainstorming. I’m glad these women are making a statement as well as taking other steps to change the

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You’d be surprised. It took a Nike campaign for some very highly-placed people to stop calling Serena the “best female athlete”.

A handful of guys are wearing “Time’s Up” pins on their lapel. All of the wonderful Stranger Things babies are wearing them.

I also hate the word. But it makes sense to use in Tamblyn’s essay since it’s less clumsy than “female actors” or “women actors.” And she’s specifically talking about women.

I’m a civil engineer designing public watermains in a major metropolitain area. It will take me over 200 years to earn what Megyn does in a year for interviewing poorly, having zero charisma, and insisting that a fictional character partially invented by Coca Cola is and can only be white.