Totally! I have a lot of tattoos covering my arms, but none on my hands or neck. I personally enjoy the term “job stoppers.” :)
Totally! I have a lot of tattoos covering my arms, but none on my hands or neck. I personally enjoy the term “job stoppers.” :)
I understand why this was an upsetting experience, but tattoo artists refuse jobs all the time for all sorts of reasons. Many have a no necks, no hands policy - it’s quite common. And, as you discovered, what’s off-limits to one artist is totally okay with another - you were able to get exactly what you wanted in the…
I don’t get what you’re trying to accomplish by mocking his work?
The logic he employed is common in the tattoo world. I have had tattoo artists strongly persuade me to get one tattoo over another, placed here instead of there. I listened. Had I not, I would have kept shopping. You threw a fit and as far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with you being a woman. You’re attempt to…
So that’s the first name calling you recognized on this post? You just skipped over the poster who labelled all women cunts because of the actions of a few. Someone rightfully calling someone else a troll bothers you but the bullshit that prompted the response isn’t even acknowledged. Your problem isn’t with feminists…
I can honestly say that in this case the best way to have her learn is to help her get away with it. Our corrections system is not built around rehabilitation, it’s built around punishment. And people really don’t learn from punishment. Putting her in jail, derailing her life, would have increased the odds or more…
Actually, the best way to turn a normal teenager who sometimes smokes weed into a criminal is putting them in jail. Your education gets disrupted, you have troubles finding a job with your record after and you meet lots of real criminals in jail. Jail basically is crime school.
You’re making a lot of assumptions there, Nancy Drew.
9 times out of 10 it’s straight white men who complain about political correctness. They hate that they live in a world where they can no longer make disparaging comments about people that are not like them without repercussion. They want the freedom to disrespect others but of course we have to respect them because…
Oh hello 1996.
McNeil, who claims that he and his friends were assaulted with racial slurs as they were leaving, came back with his gun.
Or, “My racism is actually not my most defining idiocy.”
I’m ok with a birthDAY. I mean, you get FB messages all day long and sporadic nice things, but really you have a birth-few-hours where you have some drinks with friends or a nice dinner or go do some activity or something.
I HATE THIS SHIT> It is not a birthday week, its not a birthday month its called a fucking birthDAY. Also you get one every fucking year so you do not need every person to do something for you. Yes if its your husband maybe being upset is understandable but friends and relatives? NO sorry but no. Grow up. I don’t even…
Fashion’s obsession with this aesthetic is why she gets work. Why would she talk shit about that?
Policing her body isn’t the point of this initiative; she has the form she has and it’s none of our business. I think it would be overstepping, and also incredibly rude, to seek her out and grill her about her weight and health.
The video doesn’t go into the reason why non-celiac-gluten-intolerance risk is directly related to how much money you have spent at Lululemon in the past twelve months, or why the overwhelming majority of sufferers are wealthy white women aged 20-45 and who describe themselves as “very health-conscious”.