Very well thought out and well put reply. Thank you.
Very well thought out and well put reply. Thank you.
Dude raped his incapacitated wife, if this isn’t the place for blind outrage I don’t know what is. An article about rape is maybe not a place to discuss normal, healthy sexuality though. Maybe acknowledge its existence, but don’t use it as an excuse in a woman’s assault.
I’m really squicked out by a lot of the comments here quasi defending this guy. Yes, elderly people are still sexual beings and that absolutely is a conversation our society needs to have, but this article is not the time or place. This woman had dementia and was not grounded in reality. Her husband was told she was…
Actually, the racism in Brontosaurusisback’s comment wasn’t that subtle, but thank you for calling him out on it nonetheless.
I feel badly for guys that like cats. They get all sorts of comments hurled that way for having even one. :(
Jesus. I find “cat lady” comments such misogynistic crap. No one bats an eye if you have multiple dogs but try having more than one or two cats and the cat lady “jokes” come fast and furious. I have the means to have multiple cats but I guess it’s just better to let cats die in shelters because other people think it…
Nope. Doug Stanhope admitted that it’s him.
I’m from the Finger Lakes region of New York. Geographically it’s beautiful. The people tend to be way too conservative for my tastes (rednecks don’t only exist in the south), there isn’t much to do, and there’s practically no cultural diversity. My dad made a comment about me having to hypothetically move back there…
My mom tried referring to my cats as my furbabies before and I shut that shit down. They aren't my babies, they're my freeloading roommates.
It's not really that interesting though. Just think of something else, a television show or a food or something, that most other people are into but you've never been compelled to indulge in. It's like that.
I think resentments from childfree women towards mothers in the work place is due in part from the childfree people being expected to pick up all the slack in a situation where a parent has an emergency since we obviously don't have anything else going on in our lives as we don't have children. Responsibility needs to…
I never had this strong epiphany that I definitely did not want children, I just realized as my friends started having them that that was something I'd never felt the need to do and wasn't going to be joining them in mommyhood.
Thank you so much for admitting you don't enjoy the company of children! I feel the same way, I don't hate them but would not hang out with them if given a choice. I feel like it's almost required that you state how much you like/love kids after saying that you aren't planning on having any of your own just so people…
There's a certain type of commentor on here that that just loves to be offended and will take anything and twist it so they can justify their self righteous anger. I think Judyj may fall into that camp.
Ozzie is my hero!
I am the queen of awkward phrasing so I totally get that. Thank you for not being a birther. Those people are idiots.
The president wasn't born in Kenya, he was born in Hawaii.
I'm a busty gal and I'm really uncomfortable without some kind of bra on. I wear a "leisure bra" around the house. If your straps are digging in you might want to go get fitted as your band is probably too big. Your band should be doing most of the work. I found bras that have cushioned underwriters and they are…
Right now I'm working as a server while I study from my nursing boards. I hustle my ass off at work for only OK (on a good day) money and no benefits. When I get a nursing job I'll be working just as hard but be way more handsomely compensated for it. Your friend is showing surprisingly little compassion for someone…