taco bell still exists? I thought everyone eats at chipotle now.
taco bell still exists? I thought everyone eats at chipotle now.
I had to buy one, but it saved my life at home/work.
Cat freeways.
brutally fugly prototype or not.
I bet they called jules verne crazy, too.
chiming in to say amazon shipped me the wrong model that I ordered, said they were sold out of the one I had already paid for, and would charge me to send back the TV they sent me. I was pretty furious and would suggest caution when ordering with them.
I heard the real story is that the new life form was left in a bar, by an alien employee
@Extric: eh, I'll bookmark it and read it later.
@TannerW: Eh, I'll read all of that later.
@steven24: I bookmarked it to read later.
please, please, please - all of you; read this article.
@octasquid is now closed beta: I tried to go there, but they wouldn't let me on the plane with my deadly weapons
@octasquid is now closed beta: this reminds me of that time he planted ninja throwing stars on this guy
Here's a tip, even if you pass, they tell you that you've failed to assist in coercing a confession from you.
guys, torrent "the genius of photography." fantastic series.
the 4GS will have the same case, and these problems will have been alleviated for the summer release, where the black and white will launch simultaneously.
@Ursus-Veritas: What I think he means is "are we really delivering as little as possible and getting the maximum possible return from the customer?"
xbox kinect will only run in ethnically diverse, privileged homes