
“impossibly hot”. What does that even mean?

The value of illegal ivory just went up. I’m wondering why they just don’t auction it off to pay for more park rangers to protect the rhinos and elephants that are still alive.

I saw a young boy (maybe 10) riding one of these down the middle of the street screaming “Fuck the police” over and over. It was weird.

Whelp so much for the very liberal and one of the happiest country to live.

and the banks have made billions, if not trillions by having fiber connections that are 10ms faster than everyone else. explain to me how one is ok and one isn’t SEC.

Certainly not because he was unable to share things equally!

Actually, Tony Stark didn’t make anything. Because he’s fictional.

Tony Stark is also, y’know, fictional.

"The iPhone 6 plus sized", since when did the phablet category is referred to as the iPhone 6 plus size? Apple is the last manufacturer to join the phablet market, you can't use the iPhone as if it was the king of the category, it's a wannabe.

LulzSec gets my vote for #1 purely because of their logo. It's like having etiquette after hacking and saying cheers mate, I hacked your s**t.

Ya I'm sure NASA engineers didn't put anything thought into this..

I am shocked that there are people on this site that don't give a shit about the destruction of this artifact.

Was it ever alive?

It sucks, but recording artists are going to have to get used to the fact that the world has changed, and their chosen profession just doesn't pay as well as it used to. The golden age of being a rock star is over. This isn't the first time it's happened to a particular profession and it won't be the last.

Futuristic roof??

The psychology of this statement is fascinating to me.

...unless you're in the Google Play ecosystem.

since it doesn't turn from side to side, one could argue it in fact has fewer d:s than a regular coaster...

4D Rollercoaster.