
Yah, if only he were gay or black this article would be so much better. Go fuck yourself.

“Stomping on a team logo” not only shouldn’t be a penalty, it should be specifically encouraged. Then we can eject anyone upset by it from adulthood.

Yes. You’ve spent 6 months playing every day and you made the playoffs. And life is short. Celebrate everything you reasonably can.

I think when he was that character “Tilda Swinton” it was at least as good.

Barry, please wait until after 10am to post this stuff. So early is just uncivilized.


They aren’t customers if they’re not at the game. They’ve chosen to spend their money elsewhere. It’s wrong for anyone to criticize anyone else’s decisions about how to spend their time and money (especially when the decision is to not spend on entertainment). It’s gross for a millionaire to criticize people with far

He’s complaining about non-customers, not customers. Huge distinction. If he complained that the fans at the game weren’t loud enough, that would’ve been fine.

Of course. I was being conservative and for one person.

With the acknowledgement that I think the best professional athletes are generally underpaid relative to their worth (at least in salary cap sports), I find it pretty unseemly when millionaire professional athletes criticize their fans for not choosing to spend their night and $50 to watch them play.

Don't tell Leitch.

Is he being sincere or parodying himself?

iMessage took all of the silliness of snapchat and none of the fun. More like iMESSage, right?

I had the exact same thoughts last night. Who is being “protected” and why? It’s totally cool for the game to be violent by design but dancing is over the line? I fully understand penalizing taunting but penalizing celebration is baffling.

Good point; I'm an idiot. But still, the jersey itself is for the 49ers.

Do we know why she was wearing his jersey? I assume that will dominate the news cycle for weeks given how much more outrageous it is than making a political act (while a flag the size of Ireland is held in front of you — but that’s apolitical).

And so, often, is fifteen yard pass interference. And every grounding is exactly the same as in this case.

I would like all of my d’s, please.

Because it doesn't make sense. Penalties are generally a slightly more punitive version of what would have happened had the penalty not been committed. With grounding, the assumption is it would have been a sack. So you lose yardage and down and all is right in the universe. Had there been a sack, the game would've

While I certainly would love to see PASPA overturned, I think the concept of “equal sovereignty” of the states that was expanded with or invented for Shelby thankfully died with Scalia.