Ruck Cohlchez ?

I like the thought that anyone he tells that story to in Twin Peaks, particularly those who were around for Laura Palmer's murder and that whole investigation, would just sort of shrug and say "Yeah, this is that kind of place."

Maybe you think David Lynch objectifies women in his films— fine. If he was perving out on teenagers— fine. But we're talking two fully grown adults here; this kind of moral Puritanism in the name of, I dunno, enforcing the "half your age plus seven" rule?, is absurd.

Awfully judgmental.

The "6" post appears in Fire Walk With Me and is also the place in episode 6 where Richard Horne runs over the kid.

I was already worried when the season premiere had Rick talking about "the darkest year of our adventures yet." I think Dan Harmon tried to make three different seasons of Community "The darkest season."

The telephone pole marked 6 is also where Richard Horne ran over that child (and Carl was there).

It's possible, but I also want to mention that that seems to be her drink (pretty sure that's what we see her drinking at home and buying, or a attempting to buy, the components to in the store).

I actually think they've mostly had every episode they were in dedicated to them? I could be wrong, but I think I saw Catherine Coulson and Frank Silva in the "In Memory Of" more than once. (Then again, if this were true, wouldn't we see a lot more mention of Miguel Ferrer there?)

My favorite dumb joke using numbers:

It's like that State sketch about the coma. "Your coma happened to coincide with the most eventful two hours in human history!"

I keep suspecting that, somehow, like there are two Coopers, there are two Dianes (not coincidentally each played by the leading ladies most associated with Lynch's work). Diane is in league with Dark Coop because she's Dark Diane.

I thought he was dipping, and then I remembered "No, that's a real-world explanation for that stuff, and this is Lynch World."

Yeah, I think the hotel scene you're thinking of is The Missing Pieces.

When that Laura (whatever it is— the real thing? Doppelganger? The arm's cousin?) removed her face, it glowed white. Sarah's is dark, and somewhat consistent with the Experiment.

"Two birds with one stone."

Disappointed that nothing else happened with Audrey/Charlie.

Yeah, didn't BOB enter Leland (phrasing?) when Leland was a child?

The same time he was supposed to meet the Farmer (the guy whose truck Richard killed the kid with). "Remember 430, Richard and Linda."

Richard and Linda.

Here were the thoughts I had on first watch: