Ruck Cohlchez ?

Wait, where in the Stark family tree is Richard Stark? And how come it's not Rickard or Riccerd or some other Fantasized version of the name?

I was like "Davos, go get your money back!"

And they look pretty similar! I was wondering the same thing. Maybe that's connected to why Rick likes him.

Rick absolutely has given a damn about Morty ("Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind," A Rickle in Time").

I like Rick because he's such a unique and complicated character; I think it would really be doing him a disservice to just flatten him into a nihilstic asshole to, like, make a point about entertainment or something.

Keith David? Keith David wasn't in the credits. Lance Reddick was, though.

Yeah, I liked that line, too, but seriously, how the hell do these guys not talk about all this crazy shit that's happened? As soon as any of it starts coming up that's all I would be asking about

Or this:

What drove me crazy this episode was how many people had so much stuff to talk about in common that didn't. I wanted to see everyone connect the dots on the absurdly implausible series of people (not from a viewer perspective, but from their own lives) and events that brought them together!

Chet Atkins and Jay (J.) Geils, of course.

Well, uh, since I'm here… "buttox"?

I did like these better than I had the series so far, although some parts really speak to the overstuffing of the cast, namely how thin many of the plots feel, and also that characters kept appearing from the previous series that I kept forgetting were in it, because there are so many now.

This is supposed to be a double review, which may not be clear.

I almost thought Joshua meant that the necessities of the schedule triumphed over building a coherent comedy.

I'm getting a 403 on that link.

No, I don't see the "Pluto is a planet" guy as the voice of reason, because, again, he's not the voice of reason, he's the voice of a bottomless wellspring of neediness, with an ego just as big as anyone else's in the show, only with much less grounding for it. What he doesn't like about Rick isn't what actually is

Yeah, it's really frustrating. People just openly discussing the entire season on every episode review.

I feel like Jerry goes away for an episode and people forget what a needy, ineffectual, and self-absorbed sad sack he is. He's not the voice of reason; he's the voice of having his own needs met. Sometimes. He wanted to put Rick in a nursing home in the pilot; am I the only one who remembers that?

fucking David Chase, man. I'm still angry when I think about how much people fell all over themselves praising him for doing that.

Aww. Seeso does have a lot of good stuff. I'd be bummed, although as long as everything finds a home (particularly the complete Alan Partridge, The Kids in the Hall, and Saturday Night Live), not that bummed.