Ruck Cohlchez ?

I'm on Disqus and Twitter with this name; not private, easy to find.

AV Club Communists? What's this?

Blink twice if your optimism for Kinja is mandated by your corporate overlords.

Todd seems to pretty clearly work for Mr. C, too ("Never let a man like him into your life").

I hadn't articulated it like that but I pretty much agree, yeah.

I think so— we see the Woodsmen taking BOB out of Mr. C. Ray tells Mr. C this episode that Philip Jeffries hired him to kill him because "You have something inside that they want."

Don't bother, this guy has some severe chip on his shoulder about this show and only shows up to complain every single episode and berate everyone else for not seeing through it the way he, a brain genius, does.

Was he the guy Val Kilmer decorated a painting with? (I tried to use his character's name, but it's been stuck in the profanity filter for 36 hours now.)

I would say that Trump ran on a very specific vision of America (hereby referred to as "Make America Great Again") and ran on the promise he could make things the way they used to be. His campaign wasn't "I'm not as bad as Hillary"; he had a specific vision (make America the 50s again, for white people) and policies

I think he even said "The Dutchman's." I've been wondering what he meant by that, for sure.

I don't think there are separate timelines, but I think it's become clear that what we're seeing is not exactly chronological.

Hmm, my memory is spotty— obviously he endorsed her, but I remember him wanting to give the appearance of being neutral for some reason?

I honestly think it might lead to the party's collapse. The voters aren't buying their message or their methods, and instead of changing, they keep blaming the voters.

I still think it's a fallacy to think that third-party voters would automatically vote Democrat, an assumption a lot of Democrats make in this blame game. Many people just don't vote.

Yeah, I'm just old enough to be thoroughly tired of the Democratic Party blaming the left and third-party voters for not giving them what they feel they're entitled to, instead of, you know, doing more to win those votes. It's an old game and they do it every time. (And I honestly feel similarly about Bush-Gore,

I didn't, but I kind of hope it's not true, because one of the things I hate most in entertainment is a creator making a work (and getting well-paid to do it) and then chastising the audience for enjoying that work.

I couldn't help but think that it's been nine months since the election and someone was still going to find a way to blame a relatively minor celebrity rather than everything the campaign (which, for the record, certainly did have the weight of celebrity on its side, unless you think Beyonce, Katy Perry, et al are

I just really liked the whole scene; it felt like there was an entire other movie, show, world, whatever going on just outside the usual adventures, and we just happened to get a little peek of it because Rick came up through the wrong toilet.

*freeze frame, roll credits*

Littlefinger said it to Varys, not Sansa. Sansa could have conceivably told Bran at some point; it would have been impossible for Varys to tell him.