Ruck Cohlchez ?

Was he the guy Cunth decorated a painting with?

What was he in over there? Admittedly, all I'm really familiar with are House of Cosbys and Yacht Rock.

The HTML code is < spoiler >.

I'm really not interested in the opinion of someone who doesn't even watch the show as to whether or not a character in it is a "trope."

Keeping conversation about an episode of TV that just aired to the discussion about that episode is perfectly reasonable.

Ah, the old trope about a man entering a supernatural, extradimensional space, returning through an electrical outlet, and seeming to be in a bizarre state of Zen connectedness to the world but also unable to perform most basic human functions.

Remember what Beulah said to Dark Coop when he told her to get better security? "It's a world of truckers."

Nowalk's been around for a long time, too, but that doesn't in and of itself speak well for him. His The Shield reviews became a bizarre mishmash of incorrect facts and interpretations, strained pet theories and metaphors, and outright misogyny.

Tell it to Mobb Deep.

Aw, well, it better at least sting with dreams of power and wealth then.

The gold getting back does set up Cersei to hire the Golden Company, which sets them up to turn on her in hilarious fashion once they realize what they're actually up against.

Don't'cha know, any political position you don't like can just be written off as the purview of "spoiled rich kids."

Did you read A Dance With Dragons? It's pretty much all death fake-outs.

We sorta had the reverse happen last season, with the Bolton armies trapping Team Jon inside with shields and spears, didn't we? I don't remember beyond that.

"Look, I know he doesn't have a dick. That leaves, like, two things. Maybe three if you want to split hairs."

Hehe. He looked like a guy standing behind a cardboard cutout of armor for a photo at Medieval Times.

My first reaction was that this was the best episode of the season: It really highlights one of the benefits of being past the books; there's a lot more tension in the battle scenes, as we have no idea what will happen, who might live or die. (Also, when I heard the riders coming and saw the shield line formed, I

Calling it "Scorpion" would suggest that.

I actually have this turned off already. It doesn't immediately play the next episode, but it does still jump straight from the start of the credits to "UP NEXT" with the next episode chosen. And if I leave a show highlighted on the menu for 5 seconds, it starts playing an episode from that show, which is really

Same here.