Ruck Cohlchez ?

"Marin Ian"?

Aww, man, I haven't seen that in soooooo long.

Ugh, can we not drop in items from later episodes, please?

Ehh, I've gotten kind of tired of Dan Harmon's "darkest year ever" talk in his shows. I just want it to be a good show.

But at the point where it was clear she was going to die, she also managed to ensure she took the most painless way out possible, while dropping one last bomb on her enemies that they can do nothing about. She absolutely made the most of her exit.

Don't forget, while Andy was waiting for Billy (episode 7?), we cut to Billy's house, and hear the sound of crackling electricity— like with the Woodsmen, or the electrical outlets in episode 3— increasing in volume the closer we get to the house.

OG Anunoby, recent draft pick of the Toronto Raptors.

I also admit that this strategy seems a lot more sound knowing about the threat to the North. Now that Dany has some reason to give credence to it, and her first two plans have failed, maybe she'll try something.

Bye, bye, Lil' Nymeria
Miss you… uh… when I have diarrhea

Ha. I mean, in this case there's a clear person to target and I feel like collateral damage could be minimized. Find out where Cersei stays, fly in, set any troops who fight back on fire, set that building on fire, fly out.

JAIME: Look, one ironic poisoning, one merciful poisoning. We agreed on this.
CERSEI: Aw, but I like irony.

For some reason, I thought of "Burns, Baby Burns," when Larry Burns is telling his life story to Mr. Burns, and it's ridiculously short. I wanted Davos to add, "Oh, and once I saw him get brought back from the dead!" a la Larry's "Oh, and once I saw-r a blimp!"

Hopefully leading to a glorious Arrested Westeros post where Dany is telling Jon, "Aunts can fill that role. Teachers can fill that role. And, someday, you're going to find the right woman to fill that role. But until then… I'll be right across the hall."

The whole "let's not bomb Cersei with dragon fire and win the war immediately because innocents will die" strategy is nice in theory, but in practice, a lot more people are going to die because they didn't do that.

Olenna owns so hard. Lived forever and gets to go out with her last memory being dropping one last ownage bomb on a hated enemy, when she's already beyond reach of any mortal threat.

I'd already noticed Maisie Williams' conspicuous absence from the credits, so I wasn't surprised. I think she is going to show up soon, though. (Part of me hopes she murders Littlefinger, although not for any particular reason other than I assume it will inevitably need doing.)

For some reason, I thought of "Burns, Baby Burns," when Larry Burns is telling his life story to Mr. Burns, and it's ridiculously short. I wanted him to add, "Oh, and once I saw him get brought back from the dead!" a la Larry's "Oh, and once I saw-r a blimp!"

Yeah, I'd be surprised if we actually meet those cops. I think the point there was just to have it make some sense as to what he was doing.

Yeah, having gone back and watched, the early scene with the Giant this season seemed like it was in the White Lodge (or whatever you want to call the purple-tinted building in the ocean). The color and decor were more similar to that. And I'm not clear as to how they communicated, but apparently Cooper is far away.

'Twin Peaks' could be visualized as, literally two "triangles" pointing upward: ^ ^