Ruck Cohlchez ?

I don't think they're corrupt, but I think Dougie-Cooper has uncovered that Sinclair is working with some corrupt cops on insurance payouts.

*weird backwards-talk* "You will see a man… taking a cherry pie. I will pay for it. Are you ready? It's Visa…"

I think it might even be as simple as, Sinclair is working with some crooked cops (Dougie-Cooper drew lines between his name and the investigating officers' names on the case files) to pay out certain claims and deny others. They ruled a fire that destroyed a Mitchum Brothers property arson when it wasn't, something

This guy literally shows up every week to complain about how the show is terrible and anyone who likes it is stupid. At some point, you have to wonder what even motivates him, why he can't walk away.

Welfare queens are a stereotype Ronald Reagan invented to justify cutting welfare. They're not real. That's why it's offensive.

It looked to me like the Woodsmen removed BOB from Evil Cooper. It wasn't clear to me if anything they did had anything to do with him coming "back to life," or if he's just not killable by normal means, or what. (I need to know what Ray and Philip Jeffries are up to!)

I'm sort of hoping the show eventually tells us whether Shelley offed Leo's ass in a justifiable homicide.

Well, maybe the part about the coin not hovering in the air, but that'd be one hell of a drug to make it appear in his mouth.

Hmm, your comment has me thinking about that weird filmed-in-reverse finger snap "Laura" does in the Red Room.

Maybe she feels like she knows Laura Palmer. (Whatever that would mean in this context.)

She had a recurring role on one season of The Shield; that's about all I know.

To be fair, "Piz" is a severe improvement on "Stosh Piznarski," a name so terrible that I assumed Rob Thomas chose it simply so there would be no questions as to why he went by "Piz."

Yeah, that's exactly what I said about the cold open after we actually heard Sam's script being read— "Oh, so he was mad at his ex-wife and got coked up and wrote about that."

Ruth does everything she can to shut Mark up as he tries to make their sex a deeply intense, romantic thing (constantly calling her “real”). Debbie’s not wrong when she says Ruth can’t love anyone, is she?

David Cross' story about encountering him probably has a lot to do with perception among people like the commenters here.

I'm reminded of that 30 Rock episode where Tracy antagonized Jack by donating a ton of money to, I think, the New York Philharmonic, and then commissioning them to play a bunch of ridiculous stuff like the Sanford and Son theme.

Yeah, that's a completely normal and non-depraved thing to think.

I hope the showrunners keep that fan favorite from the books, Sanford Clegane's son.

Bah, I wish people wouldn't discuss preview content unmarked.

This "final season" is being split 7/7, right? So 12 episodes left in the series.