Ruck Cohlchez ?

"You try not to get anybody killed, you wind up getting everybody killed."

I need to know Iannucci's take on the last two years in UK politics!

I need to know Iannucci's take on the last two years in UK politics!

Did Glenn never want into government, or into this government? I got the impression he defected from Labour to LibDem before the coalition was in place, and thus unexpectedly found himself in government again instead of in… whatever a party out of government but too small to lead the opposition is.

Did Glenn never want into government, or into this government? I got the impression he defected from Labour to LibDem before the coalition was in place, and thus unexpectedly found himself in government again instead of in… whatever a party out of government but too small to lead the opposition is.

Hi, I'm here from America, in the future. Please prevent Louise Mensch from ever coming over here and getting involved in our politics.

Hi, I'm here from America, in the future. Please prevent Louise Mensch from ever coming over here and getting involved in our politics.

That would make more sense; I've been kind of running with the idea that every episode has been taking place over the course of a day. I don't know if there's any hard evidence to that end.

You remind me when the book comes out and I'll admit I was wrong.

How about I just leave you to your fantasies then.

Martin turned out three books in five years, then took ten to publish the next. (And calling AFFC and ADWD "satisfying" is an assertion I don't agree with; "unedited meandering" is more like it.) It's been six years since then and there's no evidence Martin has written anything for TWOW that wasn't already written and

That said, GRRM is not boiling things down to elemental conflicts.

Maybe they'll do it Inglourious Basterds style, where Arya locks Cersei in the Red Keep and burns it down, and then also Tyrion shows up and mows her down with a machine gun, or something.

Yeah, I wish it weren't so, but all the evidence at hand just makes it make too much sense.

He's also spending way more time traveling and attending conventions and the like, and making deals with HBO for more series, than he is, you know, writing.

I think it's a lot easier to make assumptions like this because GRRM never moved things toward any sort of convergence or climax. I'm not convinced that if he'd actually written books six and seven, that the eventualities you are convinced of would have been any different.

Yes, things are becoming a lot clearer because the story is moving into its final stages and boiling down to its most elemental conflicts. That's what's supposed to happen at this point. It couldn't keep expanding, and George R. R. Martin's desire for it to continue doing so was unsustainable if you want the story to,

It also wouldn't make sense that the letter would arrive on the same day Miriam sent it. I was thinking about that during the episode; this is another point that Chad intercepted the wrong letter.

Hmm, I'll have to watch it again, because I only remembered seeing one other man, and it looked like Coopelganger was in the box himself.

It seems more plausible the more I think about it— he's been drifting a little too charmed through life since he took Dougie's place for it to be completely accidental.