Ruck Cohlchez ?

Detroiters might be my pick for best new comedy as well as best show not covered by TV Club.

Notable omissions in comedy: Detroiters, F Is For Family, Superstore, and Trial and Error. (Plus, a lot of the network staples that are well regarded and were at least at one point part of TV Club.)

Huh, I didn't know the ballots were out. That's a shame that it won't be eligible this year.

That's what I was leaning toward, too.

Really? I thought the Emmy deadline was May 31, and it premiered on May 21.

Hey, he won an Emmy for playing Jeff Newsroom!

It worked for me because it wasn't a joke just for the audience's sake; it was Richard acknowledging something in Jared he'd previously been unaware of, because he'd been taking Jared for granted.

Maybe he's just recounting an experience that actually happened, and it's burned Omaha into his mind as "the place I flew when someone grabbed my ass."

I wasn't really clear what they were doing.

She's credited as "Naido," but I don't know if that has any specific meaning.

It's basically saying that POC and other marginalized groups have to accept whatever crumbs of representation are handed to them or risk losing representation altogether.

Shelly Johnson's daughter could have been non-white? Okay.

Who should have been a minority in this episode and how would that have improved the episode?

The Bechdel test is a good comparison here because it was intended as a metric for Hollywood as a whole, which does need more diversity, not for individual works. Individual works need specific analysis as to the hows and whys if you want to criticize them on that level.

It's amazing to me how many people approach the topic of more diversity on TV in the most superficial manner possible.

Didn't you get the memo? All art must be judged only by how it superficially panders to contemporary liberal notions of what is and is not Problematic.

Major Briggs died in a fire, too.

Doug, Trent Reznor is alive and well. I produced his last five albums.

Uh, I'd also forgotten that Shane actually says "You know how it is."