Ruck Cohlchez ?

Google "Beverly Paige."

Well, the original comment has been deleted, but IIRC it was about what Gale told people he was doing as a cover story. I doubt he would tell them "Well, I'm a libertarian, so I'm cooking crystal meth."

No, it wasn't. The point was, again, that Chuck only feels pain when he thinks he's supposed to, when he is aware of something that he believes triggers his condition. The actual presence or absence of electric fields is irrelevant.

I think he quite conclusively demonstrated that Chuck only feels pain when he thinks he's supposed to.

His illness isn't real, and Jimmy knows it isn't real.

I've been watching some of this season of Veep this week, and there are lines like this that make me think, yeah, they definitely had Hillary in mind when writing Selina even before the obvious post-defeat parallels in season six.

Your avatar consistently cracks me up.

Well, I do think Chuck had needed to hear, for a long time, that his rationalizations were bullshit. As Michael McKean points out in his interview, Chuck is not a very self-aware person. Having his delusions punctured about who he is vs. who he imagines himself to be could have been a real step towards personal

Well, I really think that maybe it's something no one's ever told him. Especially coming from Howard, who has worked so long with Chuck, and especially has been coddling him the last few years. Chuck needs to feel superior, and he found a group of people that enable him in that regard— and Howard finally laid down the

Do we know what part of Canada he's from? Maybe it's a Pacific Northwest / proximity to Alaska thing, I dunno.

"Economy class. One way."

I like the implications. I see Gilfoyle as originally a Republican with libertarian leanings, who drifted further into libertarianism, which in this case led to Satanism (not implausible given the general makeup of Gilfoyle's character and personality).

Ha, I'd forgotten Steve Largent was a congressman.

They said she was "on every page," no idea if that was literal or metaphorical.

Yeah, weirdly, censors "fuck," but many sites that use Disqus to host comments, like the AV Club, don't.

I don't know the economics of law firms, but they established previously that the payout would bankrupt the firm, so I'm willing to roll with it. (I imagine having $9 million in cash on hand is a very difficult thing for most small or local businesses.)


But as long as everyone there agreed they did everything they could, how would anyone else find out? Juan Bolsa is pretty high up, and if he's in on it, everyone else would seem to be safe.

"Open 24 Hours" describes a feature of the restaurant. What feature of the roadhouse does "The Bang Bang Bar" describe?

Anyone else find themselves wishing for a "Walt and Jane" moment with Hector? Like, Hector collapses, everyone makes the first instinctual move to help, then all realize… Ya know, everyone is better off with him dead? Let's just not call 911 and never speak of this again.