Ruck Cohlchez ?

I keep coming up with "On the Road Again" by Canned Heat.

Hmm, I don't remember that.

Seriously, what kind of reaction did you expect when you came in here and said that— no, not that you had a minority opinion, but that those who disagreed were wrong, they were phonies, they were simpletons who just couldn't admit the truth, which, my friend, you uniquely have access to in a way these other people

It's not exactly clear how Cooper is involved with the Hastings case, except that A)He is almost certainly responsible for Major Briggs' body showing up, and B)He killed Bill Hastings' wife with the lawyer's gun.

You know, I'd kind of thought that at first, but then it wasn't like Cooper voluntarily crashed his car and vomited up garmonbozia. I'm not sure he planned so far ahead that he could have known exactly how the Black Lodge would try to take him back.

Related, one of the reasons IIRC that creamed corn was chosen to represent garmonbozia is that it's a strange, almost unnatural form of something that should be normal and healthy in nature.

I… completely missed that.

Maybe, I dunno. I don't think money has ever been especially important to the supernatural forces in the Twin Peaks world. "430" being a time would make sense since "253" was as well.

He was the most wonderful person I've ever known. And I love him deeply! In a way you could never understand.

Their only known photo of Dark Coop in 25 years is from a house he owned in Rio. "By the time we tracked it down, it was owned by some girl from Ipanema." Such a dumb joke, and I loved it.

Oh, I must have misheard. Other commenters and another review are telling me I didn't.

In the first episode, Dale is told two things while in the Lodge: "253, time and time again," and "Remember 430 Richard and Linda." We saw the first one pay off in episode 3, when Dale returns to the world at precisely 2:53, and this episode we see that Deputy Andy was supposed to meet that guy at 4:30— and instead,

Every six months or so I decide to clear the notifications on my old account.

Oh, Jimmy Fallon is in this.

Dennis usually interacts in the comments, too, so I don't know why his tone hasn't changed even though someone points this out to him EVERY EPISODE.

Neither one is "humorless, pointed and driven" in the way Jam is, though. All four descriptors matter here!

I also wouldn't say that his go-to "passed out person with a watch and wallet" scam with Marco had anything to do with people who somehow "needed to be taken down a peg".

Personal experience leads me to disagree with you.

Similarly, I thought they were being too obvious with the jokes about Greg most of the season, but the way Ginny reacts this episode, it becomes a lot more clear that the obviousness is underlining the degree of denial she's in.