Ruck Cohlchez ?

I just saw the writers' Twitter send out a shot of it. It's "Thanks for the ride, Here's a gun":

This episode is called "Fall," not "Crash," and your assertion is silly.

I think it's probably 2 > 3 > 1 as well. Kimmy's stepfather and the trial scenes in Durnsville have easily been the most infuriating parts of the series.

As I'm not a lawyer, I'm perfectly comfortable assuming Howard knows the difference and wouldn't have made Chuck an offer that would have included something the firm couldn't have afforded to pay.

Yes, Howard even referred to it as becoming "partner emeritus." He'd still keep his shares and ownership stake.

Heh, I just remembered that the scene in, I think, episode 4? they mention that the Log Lady isn't allowed back in the station, and it has something to do with "some type of gum."

It wasn't the first offer, was it? In season 1, Sandpiper makes an absurdly low offer and Chuck counters with $20 million. This offer was for $17 million.

And without Chuck around to manipulate his brother and abuse his caregiving, Jimmy doesn't get suspended from practicing law and currently has a healthy elderly law practice.

I mean, he was the first person to bring up rape.
"Ma'am, are you all right?"
"Of course she's all right! It's not like I'm going to rape the president."

Especially when chapter 3 was "My First Day."

He reminds me of a guy I knew in college, in that they're so preoccupied with sex that they put out a vibe they'll do anything to get it. Plus Jonah generally has terrible social skills, is large and aggressive, and does things like promise that he's definitely NOT going to rape the president.

I'm not certain, but I think Mike confirmed he was in Vietnam when he met with Jim Beaver to buy a sniper rifle.

You do realise that people hardly ever write "I find this problematic", right?

I am no fan of the Democratic Party as of late, but I'm still utterly baffled by TriggerWarning's comment, myself.

Also, I want the spinoff after Hop Off The Bus, Gus (working title) to be Traut Fishing in Vietnam, flashing back to Mike's time in combat. Mike, of course, will still be played by Jonathan Banks.

The fuck you talking about, man?

Well, I wouldn't say Jim Belushi's not evil ("You mean his character, right?" "Eh, either way"); I think we're just discussing degrees. I can believe Evil Coop is the only person fearsome enough to elicit that kind of reaction from ol' whatshisname (Duncan Todd?), though.

I think it would be pretty funny if they re-cast Donna yet again.

* How's Annie?

I definitely want to know who the man Patrick Fischler works for is. Is he Jim Belushi's mob boss? Evil Coop? Someone else?