Ruck Cohlchez ?

Most of the complaints I've heard is that it wants to be both a slow-burn show and an exciting thriller. So you have something crazy or intense that happens and should compel some new actions from the characters… But then the show slows down for three episodes of "slow burn" instead.

I have to admit, I've never watched The Americans because I've read so many comments on it that say the plot too often stalls out when it needs to commit to consequences and raising the stakes.

I think that the biggest difference is that "First, do no harm" is a guiding principle of doctors, but not of a person selected at random who has to make an urgent decision about what to do with a trolley.

My guess is "far, far less salacious than what you're thinking."

Yeah, I love this show and I'm trying to drum up more support for it wherever I can.


As the article linked gets into (or this one from Slate does), Eichenwald's story about the hows and whens of when he paid the underage camboy don't really add up

Haven't seen anyone mention this anywhere, but did anyone else notice that when the Woman With No Eyes tries to prevent Coop from going through the "15" outlet, she slashes him up with a knife— very similarly to how the mysterious figure slashed up Sam and Tracy (and not long after Coop was in the box, too)?

That would be Amy Adams Strunk, I believe.

Yeah, your interpretation is the correct one, I think. Similarly, I was less charitable than Dennis about Frank's message on the whole, which was really "You took the first step on the road to your dream and it wasn't everything you hoped it would be, so you should just quit!"

Depends what you mean by "right." I think Mr. McGill might have leaned a little toward the parable of the guy who's so charitable he gives away all his organs and dies.

She's participated in cons with him before. So I'm sure she had her suspicions, but he pointedly did not tell her what he did this time— which makes me think she suspects it and makes me think that this is the start of some real distance growing between them.


Yeah, despite Donna's description, Kim is basically right here— she is just doing her job, and Howard was misrepresenting Chuck's status.

And we know Mr. McGill was giving away money to con men and hustlers, too. He might have sunk the business just by giving away so much money over the years.

DUGE LV - I assume "Dougie Las Vegas."

AKA, Jane Levy star of Suburgatory, a quite good and underrated sitcom in its three years on the air.

Hmm, I wasn't clear on the sequence of events then. I thought she called it after speaking with the hitmen, and when she input "2" into the BlackBerry it blinked twice. Or did her conversation indicate she might have been talking to Evil Coop unrelated? I'd have to watch again. Probably would also have to watch the

That was Tom Sizemore as the other guy at the insurance agency, right? That Coop notices is lying when he… sees through him? (I couldn't quite tell in that shot if he turned green or if Cooper was seeing the flyer behind him.)

I didn't catch who the girl was in the bar who approached Richard Horne, but Jane Levy was her friend who spoke up.