Ruck Cohlchez ?

Me, 1992: "I wonder what Dr. Jacoby will be up to 25 years from now. I bet he'll be some kind of Pacific Northwest Alex Jones. Let me back up: Alex Jones is currently a high school student, but one day he will go on to… Let me back up: The Internet, which is in its nascent stages now, will eventually become the

Yeah maybe edit that or put it in spoilers?

I thought this was the best episode of the season. B+? It's an A in my book.

"Of course. I don't know why I asked. I can tell from your physical appearance that you're clearly…"
*clicks tongue*

You just brought piss to a shit fight!

Also, Frank as the wildly inappropriate "Honeybee" leader just killed me. People complain about the animation on this show, but I really thought they sold Frank's stewing loss of dignity well even just with his expression (of course, Burr's performance makes it even funnier).

The last stray observation reminds me of a great bit from Burr's 2014 special I'm Sorry You Feel That Way, about his father's regressive parenting, where he takes a turn and comes to the conclusion that, since parents try to do better for their kids than they experienced themselves, his own father's childhood must

He's fighting for a conformity that just doesn't exist in the chaos of aliens and alternate dimensions.

This is a very good WOT recommendation. F Is For Family is a terrific show. (If you'd like to read more, I wrote something for one of the AVC community's satellite sites:… )

"Oh, yeah, how long's that gonna last?"
*arglebargle chest-puffing*

When I said a Kerouac character I meant more in the language he used, all the shit about his dharma and being on the road, than his actual speech patterns.

See, this is why I said "assassinated" the first time!

I remember this. One summer I'd just work from home in the morning, watch NewsRadio at lunch, then go to the office. (I was in college at the time, too.)

Oh, right! The game show is called "What Am I?" and it's loosely based on Jeopardy! (as in the answers are all in the form of "I am…")

I do remember the Bull on a game show episode! I think it was "I wanna be your love slave." And then it doesn't work for some reason, and Christine keeps saying it to Bull, and he's like "Gee, thanks, but I'm trying to win this game show" or some such.

Minor vague spoiler - I've only seen through the next episode, but they really start to confront how selfish he is there.


Oh, I missed that one. But yeah, all people who had recently died.

It gets the details of family life and the details of the time period right in a way that make it feel real, rather than an exaggerated parody or commentary on those things.

Roger Ebert once said, "What makes a movie great is not what it is about but how it is about it."