Ruck Cohlchez ?

I had some of that. It was good!

I read somewhere in the comments that the stuff on the Pied Piper website suggests that Jared was basically rescued from Neo-Nazi parents and fostered after that.

Which part?

Jimmy framed Chuck into resenting Jimmy ever since he was nine years old? Uh huh.

Episode 2 spoiler: And then Mikey says something along the lines of "I didn't know you could have it all in one guy, like hitting balls and playing video games and… touching butts."

Amy Sedaris is probably on the top of the list of "actually beautiful people who are willing, even happy, to go out of their way to make themselves look ugly and gross for the sake of comedy." (Fortunately for fans of this show, Jane Krakowski is pretty high on the list, too.)

There's definitely at least one, right near the end.

her World of Warcraft character is named Narrotica the News Elf.

I also thought differently than him on the rape issue, but perhaps more importantly, I acted differently.

"I didn't know who he was until I clicked on this article."

Yes, he performed the terrible thoughtcrime of "repeatedly committing sexual harassment and assault at his network," among other things.

Huh, what basis did Snapple have to sue them? I've had the "Dublin Dr. Pepper" before (Dublin, TX is the location of the original Dr. Pepper factory).

Jimmy and Nacho should just open a tailor. Right next to Walt and Gale's Perfect Chemistry Coffee Shop.

It's "Potty-San," Vikram.

I love when they go dark like this. Similarly I loved Greg's line the other week about "the story about the cat who dialed 912… and everybody died."

Refresh my memory on the red door storyline appearing in 30 Rock?

They already resolved the criminal matter with the pre-trial diversion program Chuck suggested. He can't just go back and decide "Uhh I changed my mind, throw the book at him!"

What I gathered from the context and the way Jimmy and Kim talk about it is that he would be in violation of his suspension if he advertises himself as a lawyer. Making unrelated commercials would have nothing to do with that, though.

We see him use it in the season 1 flashback, too, when he pulls the watch scam with Marco.

Yes, quantitative objective metrics are the best ways to have discussions about storytelling and other art forms.