Ruck Cohlchez ?

Season 1 was set in 2002; I'm not sure how much time has passed since then.

I find the Saul plot— Kim The Brothers McGill, even Howard— the most compelling part of the show, so for me it's usually pretty disappointing when that gets sidelined. Particularly in an episode like this one, where it seemed like the other stories had more Breaking Bad fanervice than plot.

Haha, as long as we're piling on, it's also Laura Fraser.

This is so much better if I imagine Forrest MacNeil actually saying it.

It actually did land for me when Rebecca reminded Jimmy that Chuck is mentally ill. I can see how she might feel there's a sense of obligation there, how all Chuck's actions have to be considered in that light.. At the same time, Chuck had resented and hated Jimmy long before he developed his mental illness, and I

I'm pretty sure the Kentucky Fried Chicken / KFC thing is an urban myth.

Kids these days with their fancy sodas for pulling all-nighters. Back in my day, we took speed and we liked it!

Ah, 2002, when Shiner Bock was still good. (Then again, I see conflicting stories as to whether or not the recipe actually change at some point as the brewery got bigger, or if it's just a beer people have more fond memories of from a time before the craft beer explosion.)

Nah, the kind of lawyers Howard and Chuck are would definitely drink Scotch instead of bourbon. Also, I think that bottle Howard brought might be more expensive than a bottle of Pappy 23— that's a five-figure bottle of Scotch.

when Gus cuts his henchman's throat just to make a point in front of everyone else

Or of AVC writers! What the hell was that?

I thought of Don Pratt, Attorney at Law when I saw it. My wife thought it was more like Van Hammersly's Teaching By Billiards.

Sure you give a fuck or you wouldn't be commenting.

Your reading comprehension sucks, Breitbart Boy.

I feel very sad for you not getting it even after Chuck revealed this episode how deeply he's motivated by spite and resentment.

The Onion has done the Whoppers Jr. thing before, too:

Well, "Baghetti" is clearly intended to be an Italian, not Irish, name. I assume, anyway.

The opening scene is Jeremy abducting the guy we later see at the party, whose "seizure" Chris causes.

That's correct.

Ah, this is in China? I don't think I'll have the chance to make it.