Ruck Cohlchez ?

Chuck's reaction when he realizes what he's holding is what gives it away, though— he only reacts when he thinks he's around something that should make him sick.

who you've tried to save from himself for decades

Sure, I mean, Chuck was an excellent lawyer once upon a time. But who knows how long it's been since that was really the case?

I'm pretty sick to death of the FuckChuckers. There's something wrong with y'all.

Yeah, pretty much. It makes sense why we don't see Chuck have any outside friendships in the show, but now I wonder if he has or had any at all.

"His hatred blinded him for a moment"? His hatred had blinded him for years; he just finally let the mask of objectivity and noble intent drop for a second.

I'd actually say that Chuck is so consumed by his mental illness and resentment / hatred of Jimmy that he's not the better lawyer anymore, in part because he can't really practice due to the illness, but also because that resentment and hatred has corrupted his judgment.

So of course when he cracks he reveals the opposite to be true.

Also, remember the end of season 1? "What made you give back the money? …I dunno, but whatever it is, I'm never doing it again."

"Why did you think it would work?" was such a dagger question. Even though he didn't have to answer it on the record, deep down Chuck knows the answer is "Because I know how much you care about my well-being." If Jimmy was as irredeemable as Chuck believes, he would have just let Chuck rot in madness.

And if you're going to appear in court, or in a hearing, those things matter. Being a good lawyer has to mean being an effective one, right?

Yeah, that story conspicuously leaves out any evidence that Jimmy had stolen all that money over the years.

"Could you dumb that down a shade?" Deliberate Simpsons reference, right?

I think he told Kim a story to that effect, although I don't remember the careful auditing— and I don't see why we should take Chuck's word for it; he's just as much of a con man as Jimmy is and he clearly has his own resentment guiding his slander of Jimmy.

Jimmy's moral compass is fine. His ethical compass is questionable.

Still possible and seems like more of a statement on how bad Chuck is at making and retaining friends.

I do think the illness and the resentment are connected.

From another great show (and one every Breaking Bad fan should watch), The Shield: "We can't separate the ones we love from the choices we make."

To that I would add not shouting "I knew he [engaged in some far-fetched conspiracy against me], even if I couldn't prove it."

And he clearly questioned his brother's "allergy" (as indicated with the battery stunt) which would seem to be at opposites with his statement that he said what he did to Chuck on tape just because he felt bad for him with his condition.