Ruck Cohlchez ?

It is still not Chuck's job or responsibility to undermine and destroy Jimmy, and to continually behave as though it is is a tremendous act of arrogance on his part.

You're still on this kick? Sorry, but last night's episode proved me right.

I'm Gerald Hennessy! He beat me up and stole my clothes!

These names are amazing. Fan Death? Leaky Gut Syndrome? Are we on The Simpsons? Oral Galvanism sounds like a diagnosis Grandpa Simpson would make.

Rebecca was the fake surprise witness; Huell was the real surprise witness.

Ooh, I keep forgetting about Superior Donuts. When / where does it air?

Having known quite a few hippies who talked a big game about peace and love but were really selfish as hell and didn't care about how their actions affected others, I was not particularly surprised to see this turn from Leif, especially his bullshit justification.

I watched it with captioning, and even I don't remember because it was so bizarre.

I'm a huge fan of MacGruber, but Tandy's behavior is not funny to watch and it doesn't make sense that the characters continually put up with it even in matters of life and death. I don't think the comparison holds up; MacGruber wasn't about MacGruber being continually obnoxious with a desperate need for attention.

In the second episode I was starting to think that the group would be justified in killing Tandy to ensure the survival of the rest of them.

Chuck was right to expect that Jimmy had brought in Rebecca to bear witness… But he was exactly wrong as to the meaning of the term.

A good tragic character does inspire pity, among other things. If Chuck had just been able to let his resentment go, he could have been a fine guardian of the ideals he claims to hold.

Season 1 was established in 2002, and while the passage of time isn't 100% clear, I don't think there's been any significant time jump between seasons, if at all.

Chuck's real tragic flaw, I think, isn't just that, though: It's the unrestrained arrogance, the kind that makes him believe he's fit to continue passing judgment on Jimmy, to act essentially as the entire justice system against him: gathering evidence like a detective, putting together a case like the prosecution,

Yeah, I've thought the same thing for some time, which is why I was hoping we'd get a definitive answer on when Chuck's symptoms started— I wanted to see it tied to some significant date for Jimmy, like passing the bar (and Chuck blocking him from working at HHM).

We have a better relationship now, but I've definitely been on the receiving end of Chuck-like resentment before. Obviously that's made me sympathetic to Jimmy the whole series, but seeing Chuck just finally reduced to letting it all out was very satisfying indeed.

It was definitely dragged out deliberately, I felt, and there were times I was surprised the defense didn't pursue some of the angles mentioned in the comments last week, but man, that payoff of Chuck breaking down was a high that could made up for a lot of flaws.

Yeah, I always skip the previews for this. Some shows I want the action to be as surprising as possible.

I will not lie, it was with great satisfaction that I watched Chuck crack on the stand and his bottomless resentment spill out everywhere. What a well-crafted set of characters and relationships. I recognize that resentment and I don't think I've seen a relationship with it built in so strongly ever on television.

I don't really know anything about the Superstore chain in real life. I think Walmart does have some groceries, and Cloud 9 likely does as well— and we've definitely seen the prepared foods section a number of times— but I think it's primarily an "everything you need for your home, cheap" store.