Ruck Cohlchez ?

The shot shifted focus to Chuck at one point, which I took to indicate the words did at least get through to him a little, even if he didn't show it.

I thought Gilligan said it was something they were deliberately leaving ambiguous, at least during Breaking Bad's run. Do you have a source otherwise?

The show's set in 2002.

Oh, I think your 1) and 2) are more true than a lot of liberals want to admit, because it's easier to just say 3) and wash their hands of the whole thing. (I mean, even the Republican voters don't like the Republican agenda, and yet the Republicans hold a massive edge in political power at present.)

Before his partner is killed before his eyes

Really enjoying this so far and I hope it gets renewed.

She was the kind of lady where, you could be talking to your best friend, and Janice would walk in the room, and you'd say "Fuck you, I'm talking to Janice!"

It's about a Walmart-esque big box store.

Also, I just found out the AV Club added Superstore to weekly coverage a few weeks ago. Good! It was overdue. That had better continue for season 3.

Whoa, that was dark of Sandra. I've wanted her to stand up for herself for a while, but I did not expect her to go that far. Definitely know who I'm not fucking with at Cloud 9.

Detroiters is terrific.

Well, if it makes you feel better, I didn't see him actually lose any business from being overworked and/or having Teddy helping him out.

I don't know about difficult to work with, but I've heard enough stories about him seeking out and berating critics and the like, and how critical he is of other comedians, that I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he takes an unpleasant, bullying attitude to work, too.

Well, hopefully the troll sees it anyway.

Honestly, I just pity you that the best thing you can thing of to do with your life is "register a bunch of troll accounts and gloat about people losing their healthcare on a pop culture website."

I understand what you're saying, but I think we're talking at cross purposes. Many of them couldn't stomach Clinton's war or environmental record. And I guess mentally speaking, I've just moved on from blaming voters for not voting the right way to looking at it from the other perspective: What does it take to get

Cool, you're just another dude who reduces people who don't agree with you to stereotypes. I'm not going to waste my time.

There really is this attitude among Democrats that, no matter what policies they enact or how little they represent what voters want, they are the Enlightened of the two parties, and thus, it is the voters' responsibility to realize that and vote for them. It's like an entirely backwards cause-and-effect from how

"Just to stick it to the DNC" is so reductive. Have you considered that those voters did what they did because they don't feel Clinton represents their values or interests?