Ruck Cohlchez ?

Me: It's gross that they cheered this
You: It wasn't cheering, despite the singing and the visible joy on Pelosi et al's faces, it was payback
Me: That's still gross
You: Why are you making false equivalences?!?!

Well, perhaps if you berate them more for being childish they'll start to vote your way. That's a winning strategy, right?

Oh, stop projecting your nonsense on to me. YOU brought up the comparison; YOU made the equivalence!

These descriptions sure look like cheering to me:

I disagree that the candidates should have to sing and dance for votes.

It is the job of political candidates and their campaigns to convince people to vote for them. It is the job of political parties to gain and maintain power. The Democrats… have not seemed especially concerned with either of those things in recent years.

And the fact that House Democrats were also celebrating the passage because they think it will help them win seats in 2018 speaks to how grotesque, fucked-up, and out of touch their priorities are— which is a major reason they keep losing!

I'm just tired of the attitude that it's never the Democrats' fault when they lose. It's never that they didn't campaign well or didn't stand for anything… it's just that everyone's supposed to recognize, on their own, how great they are and vote for them.

(also what the hell do Jill Stein and Gary Johnson have to do with the House of Representatives)

The magical thinking that third-party and non-voters would all vote Democrat rears its head again.

Yeah, let's face it, most Christians— most people— wouldn't recognize Christ even if they saw him levitating and shooting lightning bolts out of his stigmata.

See, I'd like to think that, but that carries the assumption that Christians will recognize Christ when they see him. If he comes back anything like the first time, he'll be a brown-skinned itinerant hippie, which means he'll probably be shot by a cop or something.

I knew the second one was in trouble when the in-car display that Austin uses to talk to Basil was sponsored by America Online.

Yeah, that's a line that really rises below the standards set by Bond films.

See, I think the fact that they go so far into having Frau try to explain it makes it funny again.

Your guess is correct from what I surmised.

Wayne's World is one of my favorite movies, and a major reason is that it's just dripping in absurd meta-humor like that scene.

Oh, yeah, that's one of my favorite Homer moments. But Dr. Evil inventing his own words for the jingle has stuck in my head even more than the original.

I like how that's mirrored by Dr. Evil having no idea about world events in the last thirty years and all his plans being worthless as a result.

Despite the deleted scenes Sean mentions, this movie still manages some absurd digressions. Frau explaining Lucky Charms, the military whatsit guy reminiscing about Bob's Big Boy… and that's before getting to some of the more obvious absurdities, like Dr. Evil's great monologue about his backstory, the lampshading of