Ruck Cohlchez ?

I think in real life Holmes was 28 when he got divorced and all this happened. I'm not sure why they aged up from that, unless they thought present-day Pete couldn't pass for 28 so they went with the youngest reasonable age they could.

No! Past Pete is here to kill Future Pete!

I just remember the story about "Homer at the Bat" where Canseco was the only one who wouldn't let the writers make him look bad, so his story was changed from being seduced by Mrs. Krabappel into saving everything from a burning building.

I hope whoever holds the trademark to "Phi Slamma Jamma" sues the shit out of the filmmakers.

(Note: This directly follows a cameo from Jose Canseco that might qualify as self-deprecating were it not in Slamma Jamma.)

The TV call sign thing infuriates me because it's so basic, and anyone could have figured it out with ten seconds of research. West of the Mississippi River is "K"; east is "W." Nobody at any point of the production could be bothered to look that up?

Sshhhhh, people hate it when you point out Bill Clinton enabled and enacted a ton of ultra-shitty policies that have contributed both to our deep inequality and to corporate hegemony.

It's kind of depressing how much Agent Smith's statement about the late 90s being the peak of human civilization seems accurate now.

Ooh, good catch. I didn't think of that last night.

Bill Pullman is still with us.

I wish we could've seen the "Relapse" one. I would like to see Forrest discuss his cocaine addiction again.

It's too late for me to write a longer answer, so I'll just say I put "selling out" in quotes for a reason, and leave it at that until tomorrow.

Do you only respond in brief questions?

If we're talking the 90s in movies, it's a real snapshot of Seattle and grunge music/culture right as it was breaking through, so yeah, I'd say so.


Well, I'm not old enough to be retconned into Gen-X or young enough to be a millennial.

Also, back then it was still possible to make a living without "selling out."

Aww, I hadn't heard that story about Kurt Cobain as Lance before.

It's just really well realized. The script is really good, with those nice touches of subversiveness you mentioned, plus the cast is perfect, even to the little roles (that dude who plays Bogey Lowenstein makes that scene of him hitting a guy with a golf ball ten times funnier with his perfect expression. Also I just

It's discussed in the article.