Ruck Cohlchez ?

Aw, man, the headline fooled me into thinking this would be about 10 Things I Hate About You.

I think they slept together in "Last Day," when, as she mentions, he tricked her and Eric into believing he had terminal cancer.

It really sums up just how far into the depths of insanity he's gone.

Yeah, it's more noticeable in the first episode.

For me it's not the message nearly as much as how hard it hits home that, after everything we've seen Forrest do and put up with in the name of the show, that the only thing that could really drive him crazy is an unfinished review.

I'm not sure about that, but I'm pretty sure that it was in the first episode, at least.

I had to go back and watch again after reading the comments. It unmistakably twitched, noticeably after Forrest left the room.

Seems significant to me. You can use the < spoiler > tag.

It would be hilarious if she got fired at the end of the season, and all the stuff was mentioned as the cause.

Season 2 is great. "The Cane" - "Xmas Story" - "Station Sale" - "Bitch Session" is an all-time great run of episodes.

I doubt they're still there, or they've probably been modified or at least heavily supplemented, but while NewsRadio was airing, I added a lot of the quotes that were on its IMDB page.

If Tracy fits as the dumb guy, then Kramer definitely should (and George is an actual idiot). This is a good question though and I'm going to think about it.

I looooooved Get Smart when it was on Nick at Nite in reruns. I unfortunately have not watched it in a long time so I couldn't honestly put it in my top 5. But I wouldn't be surprised if it holds up. (Very unpopular take: It's one of my favorite things Mel Brooks has ever done. Maybe second to The Producers.)

NewsRadio is basically the greatest multi-cam sitcom of all time, and I'm not kidding even a little bit.

If The Simpsons count, then The Simpsons, obviously. If they don't, then start with NewsRadio and Arrested Development. Probably round it out with… if we're going by what I've watched the most, Seinfeld, It's Always Sunny, and 30 Rock. Apologies to all the classics, from Cheers to The Larry Sanders Show to Get Smart.

Is Pat "hairy guy"?

It's the combination of having no self-awareness about how annoying he is, combined with how he can be painfully, painfully dumb— his "Melissa was adopted by a black family that left her out of all of their photos" and "We must find the fancy bathrooms" moments were just over that line of plausibility as to how dumb a

I want to say I heard it was made available somewhere else, but I can't remember where.

That's what I heard, but I was starting to feel like I was the only one.

Oh man, I didn't even catch that the first time. Brilliant.