Ruck Cohlchez ?

I think "not guilty by reason of insanity" is a more likely ending to the series.

How's Trial and Error?

"Can it wait? I want to hear the flute."

Those are great; the guinea pig especially was one of the first things I thought of. But I think my two favorite moments are:

I am a little bit worried that this is the case (the "walnut" thing being a good example; everything seemingly being back to normal this episode).

I liked this a lot more than the reviewer did. A couple of parts were weird or didn't make sense, but overall I think I laughed more than at the first episode.

It was a pretty well expressed comment. You're being unfair for whatever reason.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that Tandy went to the trouble to mix them all together, when at a pharmacy they surely would have been in their original labeled containers.

I only noticed this in captioning, but apparently "Diego" is actually named "Diagur." Another benefit of captioning: The hilarious conversation between Kern and his special lady friend while the Strike Team is tapping the phone:

The way the promotion was presented in the pilot very much implied the latter. I think Dre's inner monologue even said something like, "They made me Head of Black Stuff?"

One time. Doing time. For a long, long time.

Every time I've encountered someone like this in real life they turn out to be selfish and full of shit. Which Leif clearly is for having the affair in the first place— I was hoping T.J. Miller would punch him out.

I was just reminded of the hint in "Hero or Hate Crime?" that Dee might have Parkinson's. So I guess it would be appropriate if she died after telling the kid that he/she will get it someday, too.

Would be great if the series ended with the Gang all having kids and repeating their own mistakes:

Fine. Thanks for shitting on the work I put into this.

Because it's really funny and deserves coverage.

Boy, these comments really hurt your feelings, huh?

I love how that paid off, with the light bulb coming on for me when Deborah gives Dan the bear hat. Until then I thought it was an insane non-sequitur made-up excuse.

Since AV Club isn't covering it, I've started writing recaps for Detroiters: