Ruck Cohlchez ?

"Did you know I once shot a whole movie without ever getting out of my car?"

And then they worked around it by… having her go undercover in a women's prison as a pregnant woman.

It was somewhere between "Tom Haverford interviews assistants" on Parks and Rec (with Schmidt lending it a more competent and/or American Psycho edge), and this Perry Bible Fellowship strip:

I loved all the similarities between Pamela and Tandy. They both wrecked their homes after the virus. They both spend a lot of time anthropomorphizing and talking to something that can't talk back.

The old Michigan J. Frog, eh?

Yeah, if you know anything about Pete Holmes, this seems a lot like how he would have acted— some weird notions of chivalry rooted in a sort of Christian abstinence / "sex is dirty" kind of mindset.

I didn't know Les was a Rod Stewart fan.

Yes, you're just rephrasing the same argument you made. I got it the first time, and I don't think it's accurate or relevant here.

Professional athletes work insanely hard on their craft.

The fairway was jammed with broken heroes on a last-chance power drive…

All I really know about the master son is, you can't cap with him, so sit your ass down or he'll blast you one.

Captions said "are."

I wonder if Mary Elizabeth Ellis has just been too busy. She's been in a fair bit of stuff recently.

Pondy's the coolest!

I think the joke there was she realized that Christina Kirk's character was decently older than that and still single.

"Nothing Compares 2 Poo" or "Nothing Compares Number-2 You"?

"Hey, speaking of this week's Sunny, did last week's remind anyone of Milo?" *4 paragraphs on Milo*

I appreciate your commitment to putting up the flimsiest pretext possible for discussing your topic.

Chip's fantasy of stabbing Dante in the neck was hilarious. Chip getting a rude awakening for fancying himself the man of the house has not gotten old for me.

We've talked about the role of Fate in Greek tragedy, and one thing that really stood out to me this season, especially down the stretch run, is that Fate is doing everything it can to tell the Strike Team not to rob the money train. After they finally get all four team members on board and have the plan they've been