Ruck Cohlchez ?

Yeah, something like that. I saw a review near the end of season 1 and another review of a random season 2 episode (either the election or the Olympics, I forget)

Yeah, I see it. Shades of Stiles in 10 Things I Hate About You, although with more enthusiasm for her mom's antics than Kat Stratford had for… well, anything.

How did you guys feel about the vomit? Was it too much? Or did having such copious amounts bring the gag (ahem) back around to being funny? Because seriously, that was A LOT of vomit.

Love Actually came out in 2003, and the first of Marshall's Generic Holiday Movies came out in 2010, so I'm more convinced this is what happened.

Marshall's definitely are vastly cheesier, though Love Actually does use the same many-running-plots device that's come to categorize those later Marshall films. (Come to think of it, Marshall might have gotten the idea from Love Actually.)

Specifically Love Actually, I reckon, hence the episode title.

I've seen multiple critics tell stories about Kindler harassing them after a negative review. He gives that "State of Comedy" address every year which is mostly him complaining that everyone else sucks. Also, he was a dick to me.

They ought to cover Superstore weekly here. It's completely up the alley of the AV Club's target readership.

Ron, explaining the intricacies of superhero fantasy league, says that, while picking Superman seems a safe play, “some weeks, he only saves Lois Lane.”

Well, I just learned that "Marv Wolfman" is actually a real human's birth name.

Taye Diggs follows me on Twitter, or at least he did at one point. When I checked after getting the notification he was following like 2 million people.

My realness can be verified by at least one other poster. I also used to be "Wad VanDerTurf" until about two years ago. I… think that's it.

I still have my Action DVDs (for a long time, I thought the official title was Action!), and I'm pretty sure I've bought at least one other copy and given it to someone.

Now realizing the original version probably is that version, now that I've been reminded of the existence of Hindu Love Gods.

If he makes it another ten days, we can finally count a "yes" for "saw its president keel over dead."

As one of the people who thinks Fargo the TV show is wildly overrated, it somewhat pleases me to hear that Hawley's weaknesses as a writer are more obvious without a Coen Brothers story to fall back on.

Jesus, what a bizarre world.

Wait, Buzz was fake?

Too tough to call. I'll try to give you ten without repeating any albums, and maybe in chronological order but maybe not.

Where can I find this version of "Even a Dog Can Shake Hands"? (Not sure if you ever watched Action with Jay Mohr, but that was the theme song.)