Ruck Cohlchez ?

My age is showing. And the irony that I needed an ELI5 for the term "ELI5" is not lost on me.

Can someone ELI5

Thank you. He'll really appreciate that.

It would make a great title and tagline to a gay porn action film.

Everyone else said they all saw the Sabrina reveal coming, but I couldn't get past the fact that Sabrina wasn't recused from a hearing involving her own brother. I kept expecting Mickey or Chip to figure that out and have it play into the ending somehow.

He's also in the Mr. Show episode "Operation Hell on Earth."

suggesting that Robinson is desperate to live up to his late father’s advertising rep.

Yeah, that's sort of where I was at at first, too. But then I thought about it and it made more sense— Rebecca had buried it so deeply she wasn't even consciously hiding it.

I just watched this again and put it together: Connie is clean when she shows up, and it's when Vic tells her it's not possible for her to get Brian back that she asks for the advance.

My first thought was that I'd wished we'd have gotten more foreshadowing about Robert, but then I realized: the reason we didn't is that Rebecca has been completely blocking him from her consciousness, to the point where she enters dissociative episodes when she's forced to think about him. She's repressed him to the

Well, that fact alone is why helping her would involve getting her the mental health care she needs, not enabling a dangerous trip of revenge.

I was thinking of Neil Young's "Cripple Creek Ferry."

it gives us the allusion of the Pemberton’s finally winning

There is some fine writing in this show. Like the episode here with the shooting of the Muslim. But I agree that Aceveda's turn to covering up for Vic is weak. He was just episodes ago keen to be seen exposing corruption, and he tasted success at it. Now, all of sudden, when he knows there's more corruption right

The Shield had a great way of making bad bro-rock like this work, but that said, I watched this episode last night with the captions on, and the lyrics to "Breakdown" are almost entirely nonsense. Like, each line kinda makes sense individually, but together they don't say any anything coherent at all.

Is that also the episode with "Veronica in the Key of Love"?

Unrelated to this episode, I love your username.

That might actually happen.

I want to believe they became polar bear hunters, and they're the reason polar bears may go extinct.