Ruck Cohlchez ?

So, this isn't just wacky hijinks, it's Darwin Award-level wacky hijinks.

Most zoos have methods to prevent the animals from eating children, though.

What? Polar bears in New York City? Am I in friggin' LOST or something?

And Josh seemed to be made even more uncomfortable that Valencia was planning the wedding and giving orders now. I mean, he has be feeling at least a little like that sort of dynamic is why he was reluctant to marry her in the first place.

Yeah, I really thought the same thing about the hair metal and that type of clueless, performative masculinity—especially since so much of hair metal's style involved dressing like a big-haired hooker, for some reason.

The way they shot the scene, holding onto each of them in turn after Josh said "You're pretty chill," was designed to make us think that.

Did anyone else notice during "Tell Me I'm Okay" that at one point, when Rebecca and Patrick were on top of the piano, that the package was playing the piano? I had to pause the DVR, we were laughing so hard at that.

Extra hilarious because Dennis apparently thinks dogfighting is something normal people consider an acceptable spectator sport.

Frank wasn't a crack addict, was he? Just Dennis and Dee, I thought.

I just watched the episodes last night, and Mac says, "Oh, and I'm not gay, because my prayers got answered, which means God exists, and if God exists, there's no way he made me a queer."

…when did we stop calling that "middle-aged"?

"I think we're third cousins."

Chip finally realizes he needs to move on, and Sabrina reminds him that their parents on there for him but she is.

I just looked up the cast and their names are… Caitlin, Katy, Cate, Kate, Katie, and Kathryn.

A Clockwork Orange recommended The Fly, and I'm not sure where it went from there, but I'm not surprised Aliens showed up after that.

It was very strange to watch this after the preceding night's Fresh Off the Boat, which also had a Build-a-Bear reference.

It was three people in "No Exit," but yeah, I felt it was one of the obvious inspirations of this show.

I counted two adverbs in that sentence.

Yeah, I think this is pretty clear, given that we know the person who's supposed to be Real Eleanor is just an actor from The Bad Place.

I see this all the time, almost every person wants to believe that they are morally decent and have contributed to society in their own way. The problem is that he/she will for the most part, only give if their needs are met or if it doesn't interrupt their life too much.