Ruck Cohlchez ?

I honestly have been surprised I haven't seen that referenced more often in reviews and comments.

Why? The only real motivation we see for Corinne is that she wants to care for her children the best she can. Vic's life of crime is what draws him away from being available to help with that.

These comments never fail to amaze me, no matter how many times I go through the show.

I feel kind of silly now, looking back at this.

That "hard drive under the floorboards" was pretty dark.

The return of the "Load Wiper" credit and "Hugh Manturd," last seen in "The Gang Saves the Day"!

I think that's from Serenity.


Haha, this is pretty much immediately what I thought of, too.

Oh, one thing I think about when I watch this episode: Tweedledee and Tweedledum's story about "Watson" is bullshit, right? I kinda like that we never find out for sure, and it's juuuuuust plausible as something the LAPD might do, but I've always read it as fishing for something to push Julien over the edge (not that

Right? Eastbound is hilarious; Girls always seems to want to walk this line between empathizing with and judging its characters, but rarely laughing at them.

Given Walsh's UCB background that makes a lot of sense.

They should call him Bell Biv Dinesh, because that chain is poison.

I was very pleased to see that all the crapping on Dinesh throughout the season ended with him actually saving the day.

My goodness, this is perfect. I want to steal it.

The way the line break shows up on my phone, the first time I read this I thought you were describing yourself as an observant but questioning feminist.

It wouldn't even be so bad if Nowalk ever once defended one of his terrible interpretations instead of writing about it as though he assumed everyone saw it the same way.

I was admittedly pleased with myself, a gentile, for recognizing the Tablet magazine reference.

About his daughter.

Oh, yeah. The discovery on the monitor is probably the funniest moment of the whole first season. The timing on everything— Vic's double-take, getting the monitor changed just before the reporter turns around— is perfect.