Ruck Cohlchez ?

One of the subtly funniest parts of the Shane and Tulips storyline, is the expression Shane gives after Vic reveals he saw them on the observation camera: "You did, huh?" He looks like he's expecting a high-five from his bro. It's almost a very Will Arnett-in-Arrested Development reaction: "I [bleep]ed Kitty!"

On this latest re-watch, even though this is an episode many people cite as one that showed how dark and how intense this show could get, "Cherrypoppers" is an example of what doesn't quite work about season 1 for me, mainly for three reasons:

Some of the stuff was pretty valuable, like the camera and watch, plus there was some cash.

*goes to "Action Park" Wikipedia page*
*sees that one of the subheadings is "Fatalities"*
*does math*
Wow… six deaths in seven years, good Lord. Was Mr. Show's "The Devastator" one of the rides?

There's no way Mac knows who Chuck Palahniuk is. If you asked him who wrote Fight Club he'd probably say "Tyler Durden." (Or "Brad Pitt." I can't decide.)

Or about how you stole Captain Monterey Jack from The Carol Burnett Show?

Ah, remember when this lapse of attention seemed like a minor mistake, rather than a portent of things to come?

And it's only been six years since the Beavis and Butt-Head revival aired!

As always, Mac's weird lectures involving his repressed sexuality are really directed at himself.

I'm still baffled there was no mention of Banjo in an episode where Bob buys a banjo.

How did an episode where Bob buys a banjo go by without one single mention of Banjo?!

I thought Jocelyn said that and then Tammy was like "Shut it, Jocelyn."

I keep thinking of him as "Dirtbag Jimmi Simpson," which is weird, because until Westworld, Jimmi Simpson was Dirtbag Jimmi Simpson.

Nice. The reason I like Janet as Norm is that everybody is similarly excited to see her. I dig the reboot comparison with Coach, though, and the Bad Place as Gary's is excellent.

I'm sure a bird will shit on Winston very soon.

I always figured the line was adapted from the Edna St. Vincent Millay poem.

Scott just needed some Mayostard.

Imhotep is invisible.

Does that make Eleanor Diane or Carla? Obviously, Chidi is Frasier, Tahani is Cliff, Jianyu/Jason is Woody, and Janet is Norm.

Well, on the one hand I assume he's squandered his wealth over the years, but on the other hand you can also assume he made a lot of money from "Frank's Back in Business."