Ruck Cohlchez ?

I love Dennis' "Thank you. Thaaaaaank you" and the cut to Charlie mouthing along with him.

You picked my favorite episode! I think it's better than "The Nightman Cometh," largely for the reasons you mentioned.

Yeah, that's my single favorite episode of the show.

Dennis barging in at the end in that ridiculous outfit was amazing.

LaToya is right, as she usually is.

Oh man, episode 10 is the first episode I think is really, really good! Shit, you stopped at the exact wrong time!

Poor Donny Host.

Ooh, I know which one. It's Tahani, right?

Oh man, what really hit home for me was the immediacy of Charlie getting shot. That was shocking and horrifying in a way that really hammered home how a shooting like that could come out of seemingly nowhere and in an innocuous situation, and the fear that knowledge must create.

Boy, I really wished this was on cable TV at the end, because I wanted to see the kids accidentally cause Grandma's death, and none of them to care too much about it. Go full "The Invitiations" in the second episode.

You could see the redness around her eyes, like she hadn't slept, but that was about all that was different.

I'd highly recommend Sunny, but I imagine a lot of people you've told that to have also recommended it.

Your Sofia Black D'Elia comment reminds me that I've seen Alia Shawkat play a high schooler in Arrested Development in 2003, and a high schooler in The To-Do List in 2013.

They learned their lesson when they made that sitcom about wacky pizza parlor owner Dagobah Paparazzo.

Dishes are dirty, house is a mess,
Life as a single parent is a whole lot of stress,
Makes you want to put a gun in your mouth,
Or get reeeeeeal high,
But somehow I think we'll get by!

Ben and Kate! (Oh, you already said that one.)
Happy Endings!
Last Resort! (Oh, you said that one, too.)

For some reason, when I see Low Winter Sun, I always hear Nelly's "Air Force Ones."

Why not? Because you spoiled it for everyone watching the show for the first time, is why not. Pretty straightforward.

Do you have anything better to do than bitch about people who hold the AV Club to standards? By the look of your comment history, the answer is "no."

Yeah, what a crazy thing to expect, a website that makes money off my viewing it to have basic copy-editing standards instead of constantly running reviews filled with typos and incorrectly transcribed words and half-sentences.