Ruck Cohlchez ?

I generally like Zack's reviews and don't give a shit about grades, but I feel like he was entirely too focused on twists and payoffs with this season. Like his reviews of the first eight episodes were basically "This hasn't paid off yet" and his reviews of the last two were "This took too long to pay off." I just

That's… not entirely implausible. First I've seen it.

Oh, definitely. "Here we are, at the edge of the park. You're naked and tied to a horse. Let's send it off running even further and just see what happens."

No Superstore LOL

Why would you post something like this? Just on the off chance someone who hasn't seen the final episode will see it?

Rick : Morty :: Man in Black : William. This totally works for me.

I think the sled would be named Dolores, in a sly reference to a certain episode of Seinfeld and to what "Rosebud" was rumored to really mean.

"Robot Bum," new band name, called it!

I might not have noticed if it hadn't been the second review I read last night with such a glaring copywriting error in it.

Yeah, but that's because the AD "previews" contained no scenes from the next episode.

Why would you post this here?

Oh, I see, you're one of those people who thinks "triggered" is a trump card that proves it's about ethics in video game journalism.

Teddy moves the entire platoon down with a machine gun.

Listen people, the writing crew is not running out of ideas and the next season will be better than ever.

What is "siloing"?

one where humanity hangs on by a threat

retired Rear Admiral J. Garagareaux. (Or is that Jay Garagaroo? Either way, it’s an all-time great on the New Girl fake-name scorecard.)

“5683. Fifth most common passcode this year. It spells: FART.”

And can the writers STOP doing that thing where they're about to go into an action scene but they never actually show it!

Mary-Lynn Raskjub, whom I first saw on Mr. Show.