Ruck Cohlchez ?

Oh man, that was Pondy? I knew he looked familiar but I couldn't place it!

Did you ever watch The Singing Detective? My brother is a fan, apparently, though I've never seen it.

Please tell me this is leading into a course titled From Shakespeare to Sutter.

Why would you post this?

I'm more or less openly rooting for this. "Hey, guess we did learn Who I Really Am!"

Surprised that Zack didn't mention something way more interesting to me than Dolores' gun use being foreshadowed: that she got shot and apparently decided it would have no effect on her.

I think it's Taylor Swift.

Ahh, I suppose I don't really give Paul Ryan credit for being able to see through bullshit.

Why would you post this here, where the only people who will read it are people watching the show for the first time?

"No Surprises" makes sense to me for this show— hey, it's from an album with a track titled "Paranoid Android"— the one that really threw me was "Black Hole Sun" in the pilot.

I really have no idea what they're referring to, because nothing about Heather strikes me as comparable to Paul Ryan the congressman.

blah, right. I knew who they were referring to, I just got the name wrong because it was late.

I went through the first two episodes thinking she was Laura Linney until I read otherwise here.

The Congressman?

And then he chose, like, one bean from each hopper, which wouldn't really make it single-origin at all anymore, would it?

Haha, I'm just going through the show for the first time and that's exactly what I thought.

Anna's name-dropping list was remarkable. I forget exactly how it went, but something like "Taylor, Lena, Cara, Selena, Gwynnie, and Uzo, but Uzo's such a name-dropper."

I dunno, Nick's a Chicago guy, I can see the sausages and brats being very important.

Ooh, where I can read this oral history of "Monkey Torture"?

And I loved that his knowledge of reporters paid off later in the scene when he revealed he had tipped them all off to the ceremony / Captain Ron Donald's incompetence.