Ruck Cohlchez ?

I think it's "Ruttiger."

I think it's "Ruttiger."

I thought the "Go to her!" scene was supposed to be a mirror image of the Greg / Heather scene where they're watching Rebecca on TV in the courtroom.

Oh, your sister is very wise. I've often found this true. (Either that or the person was just a total dick.)

I gotta double-check, but I think they're available on Seeso.

I liked this episode, but the one thing I felt it was missing is that, in an episode about Terry meeting his hero and being let down, Jake's story with Stacy Keach's character from season one never came up. (Or his dad, but I can't remember if Jake's regard for his father crossed the line into hero worship or if it

Yeah, I agree. I mean, not about Saddle Rash, since I never saw it, but it did sound like a Jon Benjamin hoarse old man voice.

Andy Daly, David Herman, and Andres du Boucher were the other three competitors. Not sure who played Godfrey.

Firstly, Valencia is mostly seen as awful from us being entrenched within Rebecca's perspective.

You're not alone!

Nah, this guy's clearly an expert on the subject.

Having not seen Stranger Things, I assumed "Barb and Nancy" was a reference to Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan for some reason.

Are you aware that she's the second lead on this show? It's probably not for you if you find that to be the case.

I miss the hints that Erica had some kind of secret criminal past. I was hoping that would come up again.

You literally post this every week. We get it, you hate January Jones.

there’s no sense of drama at least until the.

"You ain't got no problem, John the Baptist. I'm on the motherfucker. Go back in there, chill them Galileans out, and wait for the Savior who should be coming directly."

Mm, that would carry more weight if you weren't doing the exact same thing. Physician, heal thyself.

Oh, the Democrats won? Is that why they've lost both houses of Congress? Is that why they've been losing state houses and governorships? Because they just keep winning?

I didn't make it. Someone at the Rick and Morty art team did after I brought up the similarities between Rick and Rust. Here's the full image: