Ruck Cohlchez ?

Rick and Morty-ed Rust.

Then America is fucked and violent revolution is the only way.

I know that, and you know that, but the Democrats weren't able to convince people of that, in part because so much of their campaign pitch was "everything is pretty much fine already."

It's also worth noting that, not only did Obama of course run on Hope and Change, but one of Bill Clinton's slogans was "The Man From Hope" (as in Hope, AR, his birthplace).

My very conservative family used to put 9 to 5 on all the time to entertain us kids, and looking back, it's shockingly feminist (and even contains a bondage scene!).

To supplement your point: the correlation between increased Trump support in a community and increased deaths by drug overdoses in the last eight years is very strong.

Because the Democrats are getting their asses kicked in elections, and the choice is either to reach out and try to understand what motivates voters beyond bigotry, or to become an increasingly small coalition of well-off coastal woke people who lose every time out.

I want to believe it's intentional, especially since Winston said "some girl gave it to [him]".

I dunno; he was acting a lot like this before any of the things you mentioned happened. We're on season three now, and "Tandy is a deceitful manipulative asshole wrapped up in the world in his own head" has just gotten really old.

Yeah, I thought we didn't get the theme song because Rebecca is no longer "just a girl in love [who] can't be held responsible for my actions."

I think Heather is a lot more mature and insightful than April, though, and their disaffected attitudes come from different places.

The movie about the whistleblower at Big Vagina is called The Inside Her.

Just wanted to mention, since it seemed no one else had, that the makeover song (at least in the intro and video) was a pretty blatant homage to Toni Basil's "Mickey."

Aww, I really liked this show. Bummer.

I just had a hard time getting past, as @avclub-e70ccaaf4a44fe57397c734d2af1178a:disqus put it, "yet another ridiculously contrived scenario in which Tandy is horribly, stupidly misguided before learning his lesson." Like how many of these "Tandy comes up with a horrible idea and starts putting together bad inferences

However all that is pretty much ignored the screeds about how they need to be coddled. Which ignores that those exact same screeds were written about Gen X and Baby Boomers as they were entering the workforce (and will likely be written about whatever generation comes next).

Ordinarily, "The last three minutes have been the most upsetting of my life" would seem like hyperbole, but I 100% believed it. Good Lord.

For as disappointing as Smash was in so many ways, its single biggest flaw— yes, even including Ellis— was that Megan Hilty is such a thunderously obvious choice to play Marilyn Monroe over Kat McPhee, that it made the entire drama surrounding that plotline really ridiculous.

Your comment history is amazing, and I mean that in the worst way possible.